I'll agree with everyone else... DEFINITELY get Paul Gilbert's videos. I would highly recommend his Intense Rock Vol 1 and Vol 2 videos... they are fantastic! His Terrifying Guitar Trip video is great too. And they are on DVD now. Highly highly highly recommend over any of the videos you listed in your poll. Petrucci's is good, but it's just the same chromatic shit over and over and over and over. At least with paul gilbert you learn a ton about speed runs, string skipping, sweeping, playing rhythm / solo grooves, etc. Just so you don't get stuck in the same alternate picking speed practice exercises, I would also recommend other videos by Vinnie Moore, Michael Lee Firkins, Michael Fath, Marty Friedman (his Melodic Control dvd is ABSOLUTELY amazing!!!!!), Frank Gambale, and Allan Holdsworth.
Petrucci's video is not just about "same chromatic shit over and over", in fact all the arguments you used for Gilbert make sense on Petrucci as well.
Anyway, don't want to create some polemic about which one is the best, but I think most people here will agree Petrucci's one is far from being your same repetitive shit...
On Marty Friedman's one, I think his videos are for advanced/intermediate lead guitar players because they cover some flavour to your own skill, you know, his patented japanese feeling on phrases, like playing one half-step above or below some bend or destination note. For me, Friedman is not your typical video showing some typical techniques, like Gilbert, Petrucci, Kotzen, etc...
Michael Lee Firkin's video and Holdsworth videos should be considered the same. Like Friedman, these two (fantastic) guitar players have such an original way of playing leads, take Firkins and his crossover picking technique between pick and fingers, hard to get to his technique when you play metal rhythm guitar (read Maamar Huq first request again !), and Holdsworth...not everyone can make his way into this unique playing, and what about his wide stretched legato runs (like, IIRC, some 6 to 14 frets wide hammer-ons).
Anyway, before choosing one and running full into it, Maamar Huq should look at some free (or not ?) excerpts on youtube from each of these guys and he'll see for himself...