Attention: All You Algore Worshipping Global Warming Assholes


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
About a year ago, when my first post to Billy's forum was my libertarian anti-hippy manifesto, a lot of you bastards (and one bitch) gave me a shovel load of shit for refusing to believe in global warming theories. Well, fuck every one of you. Here's a little something from today's news, albeit Russian news, since this sort of thing is forbidden in the western media outlets.

Global cooling could develop on Earth in 50 years and have serious consequences before it is replaced by a period of warming in the early 22nd century, a Russian Academy of Sciences’ astronomical observatory’s report says, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Friday.

Environmentalists and scientists warn not about the dangers of global warming provoked by man’s detrimental effect on the planet’s climate, but global cooling. Though never widely supported, it is a theory postulating an overwhelming cooling of the Earth which could involve glaciation.

“On the basis of our [solar emission] research, we developed a scenario of a global cooling of the Earth’s climate by the middle of this century and the beginning of a regular 200-year-long cycle of the climate’s global warming at the start of the 22nd century,” said the head of the space research sector.

Khabibullo Abdusamatov said he and his colleagues had concluded that a period of global cooling similar to one seen in the late 17th century — when canals froze in the Netherlands and people had to leave their dwellings in Greenland — could start in 2012-2015 and reach its peak in 2055-2060.

He said he believed the future climate change would have very serious consequences and that authorities should start preparing for them today because “climate cooling is connected with changing temperatures, especially for northern countries.”

“The Kyoto initiatives to save the planet from the greenhouse effect should be put off until better times,” he said, referring to an international treaty on climate change targeting greenhouse gas emissions.

“The global temperature maximum has been reached on Earth, and Earth’s global temperature will decline to a climatic minimum even without the Kyoto protocol,” Abdusamatov said.

In other words, "Suck my balls, all you global warming fuckheads!

Being one who suffers from ADHD, I can't bring myself to do any real reading on global warming. For those of you like me, pick up a Farmers Almanac for some quick facts on global warming. In my area, most of the record high temperatures happened 100 years ago. Therefore, our love affair with oil did not cause this alleged global warming.
On a similar note, basic history tells you that there was an ice age that ended about 10,000 years ago. Where were the SUV's and aerosol hairspray then? I mean, something had to warm the earth enough to melt that shit? Hmmm, could it be a natural cycle?
Because you can show irrefutable evidence of events that took place 10,000 years ago?
Oinkness said:
Because you can show irrefutable evidence of events that took place 10,000 years ago?
Until archeologists uncover a hubcap from an ancient SUV, I can say with certainty that there were no fossil-fuel burning vehicles 10,000 years ago. Nice try. :)
Norsemaiden said:
There could be an iceage in Europe because the global warming - for example Britain is kept temperate by gulf stream, but that depends upon some underwater ice. The gulf stream has already slowed by at least a quarter in recent years. It is likely to stop completely.,,2087-1602579,00.html

ya, i watched the day after tomorrow too!
Dozens of vulcanos broke out and darkened the sky for hundreds of years. The vulcanos shot tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That made the dinosaurs dying out and brought mother earth the ice age. Oh well, I heard that somewhere. Couldn't that be true?
fah-q said:
Until archeologists uncover a hubcap from an ancient SUV, I can say with certainty that there were no fossil-fuel burning vehicles 10,000 years ago. Nice try. :)
That's not the point at all. Whether there were SUVs back then or not, we have no idea. You can't provide proof of what was or was not back then, whether there was an ice age or not!

We already know there was time travel. Million-year-old fossilized people? Time travel. The fact of the matter is, even if there was an upcoming ice age or extreme global warming, we have nothing to worry about. There's the "installation" in Siberia, people traveling back in time to change the future, and who knows what else. Magenta ist krieg.
Temperature shifts that happen around ten years or so shouldn't excite us in any someone has stated here, it's a natural cycle.
Global warming? Tell me about it while I'm freezing my ass of in June.
johnnieCzech said:
Temperature shifts that happen around ten years or so shouldn't excite us in any someone has stated here, it's a natural cycle.
Global warming? Tell me about it while I'm freezing my ass of in June.
No kidding. It's August in Upstate New York and we are having trouble reaching 65c.
Oinkness said:
That's not the point at all. Whether there were SUVs back then or not, we have no idea. You can't provide proof of what was or was not back then, whether there was an ice age or not!

We already know there was time travel. Million-year-old fossilized people? Time travel. The fact of the matter is, even if there was an upcoming ice age or extreme global warming, we have nothing to worry about. There's the "installation" in Siberia, people traveling back in time to change the future, and who knows what else. Magenta ist krieg.
Please tell me you are kidding? Time travel? That is very Dr. Who of you. :p
It's been cold as hell here for the last two weeks. I think global warming has been overcome by nuclear winter. :ill:
fah-q said:
Kind of strange that the earths temp has decreased but... For some reason people won't let go of the global warming myth.

I love how you can't read:

Oct. 16, 2006 — September 2006 was cooler than average for the continental U.S., providing relief from the second-warmest summer on record, according to scientists at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. September was the first cooler-than-average month for the continental U.S. since May 2005. Drought conditions also improved in some areas of the nation, with nationally averaged precipitation above average during September. The global temperature remained well above average.
Do you really believe those assholes anyway? You guys honestly trust the media? Does it matter a single turd how many gay links you post to news websites, because no matter what you read, you're being lied to.
And then Buffalo NY got 25 inches of snow inside of 30 hours in October. I didn't read that anywhere. Saw it for myself. I suppose that is because of global warming too? Let's here how this one gets twisted.