ATTENTION toby, mia, monster fish lovers


At the end of May a Turkish trawler caught a fish that no one has been able to identify. It was 7 feet long and had of weight of 1,400 pouf. It was "human in appearance" and had legs rather than fins. Some researchers believe it to be a coelacanth, while others call it a "monster" similar to Storsie of Sweden or Selma of Norway.

The Turkish biologist Muharrem Karakaya at the Fen-Edebiyat faculty on the Osmangazi Üniversity in Eskisehir, who is in charge of the investigations of the so far unidentified fish, has sent GUST the picture above, scanned from a Turkish daily, after he read about our serious research on the net.

Dr. Karakaya says in an email to GUST: "A Turkish fishery biologist has publicly said that the fish is a coelacanth, a Latimeria, but I know these unique fishes and this is definitely not that species".

"There are more unknown animals in the Marmara Sea than biologists, limnologists and other scientists wants to admit and strange fishes has both been seen and caught since World War II", he continues. "This is the first time a trawler captain has decided to keep his find and for that the university are very grateful".

When this is written autopsy results from the "monster" of the Marmara Sea has still not been released, but Dr. Karakaya believes it will be and has promised to keep us posted.

Source: Email from zoologist Muharrem Karakaya on 2 July 2003.
Pisces is the 12th and last sign of the zodiac, represented by two fishes. The Greek myth, echoing that of Capricorn, tells how the erotic love gods, Eros and Aphrodite, were turned into fishes when they leapt into water to escape the wrath of the storm god Typhon.
yes, the face is creepy and symmeterical, but has anyone else noticed how completely WISE it looks?

holy shit.

i'd like to have interviewed it, and then written a holy book based on its words. then i'd start my own wise mystery fish-based cult. i bet it had some amazing shit to say.