Attn: All fags that live in LA


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Been looking at hotels out there for my Immortal, Sigh, and Mayhem trip. It costs a fuckload. Talkin 120+ a night. I can pull it, but it'll be tighter than a babies cunt. Anyone know of some reasonably priced places for one person to stay in? Bonus points for a cheap places in Santa Ana (Think I'll hit that show up since its a short greyhound jump away). The latter is not completely necessary since I can pull an all nighter out there, but if theres a cheap place, I'll stay out there for the night.

post same on craigslist ... give ticket to metal slut in exchange for shelter ... pray you wake up in one piece
post same on craigslist ... give ticket to metal slut in exchange for shelter ... pray you wake up in one piece

Heh, I actually thought of doing that, but worried of exactly that last part. Had a friend have all his shit robbed from literally under his sleeping body at a hostel in Denver a few months ago, so I'm kinda wary of cheap shit. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do...
If I had my own place I'd offer you a floor and maybe even a couch to crash on. Seeing as I don't, I can't.

Its all good, heh.

Everyone who was gonna share a hotel room with me bailed pretty much, leaving me to have to either find new hotel-mates or a uber-cheap place to say. Wish people would stick to their fucking plans.

*3 months ago*
Friend - "Yeah yeah, I am 100% definitely going!"
Me - "So you're not gonna change your mind suddenly with a month to go so I'm frantically having to search for a place to stay?"
Friend - "No, definitely not. I assure you. I already got my ticket and everything"

Friend - "Hey, I'm not going to Immortal now..."
Me - "What the fucking fuck?!"
Friend - "Yeah, I changed my mind."
Me - "What happened to 'I bought my ticket and I'm 100% sure I'm going'?"
Friend - "Yeah, I didn't actually buy it..."
Me - "God fucking DAMMIT."
See Climb Thar Hill's post. On top of that I work graveyard and wouldn't be able to attend anyhow. I have to save my paid time off for imaginary RC fest, Heathen Crusade, and a possible upcoming camping excursion.

My only suggestion would be to take the "2" eastbound down sunset, get off as soon as you notice that the city has transformed from a Club Med for queers to a 10 square mile Home Depot, and proceed south for half a mile. It is here where you can find a roach motel for dirt cheap. Just don't get shot, and stray away from the hookers, they are not what you'de expect them to be.
I'll talk to you more about this when I'm sober. Mike was telling me that he may score some tickets as a birthday gift.

Mike were you giving one of those tickets to me?!?! If no, I feel LIKE A cunt. If so, Kudos my nigglight.

Fuc,. Don;t ever mix 12+ brews in the course of an evening and then follow itg up with the Karaoke duet performance of your life. You'll feel like a dehydrated caxkashack. God damn, look at me, hardly any mispellings.
So ton that the way out of the bowling alley tonight some fat mumbo jumbo white my pals satrated talking some shit. so i went at him an his friend an ghazla an artructrro had to hold me back so i wouldnt compleytely kill this inbred hick. it was stupid biut i felt lik murdering
Thats the interesting thing about bowling alleys... you could be at an abandoned one, but somehow, on your way out, you will get into a fight with someone.
Truth be told, I have no idea what occured when I was prompted to fight. I'm going to go ahead and assume the two fellas made a comment I didn't like then I went ape shit. Either that or I just didn't like the cut of their jib.