ATTN: gadget people. what is a good MP3 player for me to get


Aug 2, 2002
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i don't want to spend tons of $$ mostly i just want something to listen to music on when i'm at the gym.
i know NOTHING about mp3 players. but i want one so i can play the music i download and stuff.
i would be like, "ipod". and you can get one with your war bonus.

for the love of god, get one with more than 64 mb storage. 64 is good for at most a 60 min album set at 128 bitrate, which sucks or is incovenient especially if you rip or prefer your mp3s at a higher rate.
okay, explain this to me more dude! like, if i had a 64mb mp3 player, could i have at least an hour of music at the gym? would that be enough? i'm not looking to spend a ton of $$ but i also don't want a piece of crap. can you recommend one? HELP DUDES MAYDAY MAYDAY
well the ipod is just too expensive. seriously. at the mac store they were like $350. if i am going to spend that much, i am going to have like, a backpack full of drugs or some shit. not a little electronic doodad.
i guess because my old roommate had an mp3 player and like, he could use it to play all the stuff he downloaded from kazaa and i thought that was neat. plus i dont even like minidiscs they seem too complex.
I have an IRivers 64 mb player. I got it for Christmas so cost wasn't an issue.

I'd say, for the price and the purpose (working out at a gym?) it's not bad. But I don't know how much 64 mb players typically go for. If 45$ is considerably less, and all you want is a player that get you 60 min's of music for working out at a gym, I'd go for it. Just be aware of the caveat I set up in my other post. You're limited by the 64 mbs. I can't get in an album of more than 60 mins into the player. And forget about mp3s at 160 + bitrate. You'll only have enough room for like 3 songs, and the tracks I usually listen to are each 10 mins long and over.

I think IPOD requires windows xp and a "firewire". I'm not sure what that is- it may not be the same as a "port" (?). Also, some mp3 players come with a radio, so you might want to look for one of those before settling.