ATTN: JayKeeley

Threads like this make me sad I don't/can't/won't spend 14 hours a minute (?) here anymore.

ok, so this thread is a sign to tell you guys that I will be joining you in the happiness of fatherhood in about 6 months :kickass::)
Holy living fuck. Congats, nukklah!
hehe ... thanks duders.
no one night stands, its someone I've been with almost 2 year already.
i realized when i don't tout my S/O's on forum boards its usually a good sign for the relationship ...
hahaha rad. I found that by not posting pictures of said other makes for the bettering. :loco:
hope you're prepared to sacrifice the next 18 (at least) years of your life
Yeah, when my idiot friend impregnated his girlfriend of about 6 weeks he said "no big deal, just have to take care of her for 18 years," I reminded him lovingly (read: drunkenly loudly) that he was 26 and still living with his parents. Flash forward 2 years and he's still living at home, with his baby's momma on the verge of leaving him for a 38-year-old home-liver preacher-in-training divorcée with three kids. WTF?

BUT, he loves his daughter.

Oh yeah, thread topic, re: JayK's uncanny ability to make with the awesome, I know it all comes down to this post right here:
JayKeeley on May 2nd said:
You're not metal if you can't fist yourself. My penis also has a mullet by the way.

Crap, I wasn't paying attention to this thread.

Good luck Lurchylurch! You're a good fellow, so I imagine that you'll be a good dad.


JayK asked me to post the pics since I have all of them...


Jay, haddsie, you have a lovely family.
thanks Nad and Moose!!!

yeah, we need some type of communal RC living space ... there's a lot of you fuckers that I'd like to meet.
You're kidding, right? :zombie:

Who does she and the child live with?
Currently, technically, still with baby's daddy + his family (including 30 year old lawyer sister, wtf). Although it seems she's going to move out to ??? soonish. Apparently she was involved in some phishing fiasco recently and cannot even have a bank account for 5 years (wtf?), so I'm assuming wherever she goes will have to be relatively rent-free. Hearing this whole story on Friday evening was making me down shots of expensive whiskey because it was all so very Jerry Springer to me. Of course, pretty much everyone saw a giant mess coming, even the people who were already in fucked up living situations, and warned/yelled him accordingly. Somehow it seems worse than it could have been, and it's just getting started. Wtf.
Haha, NAD if I were to ever move to CA, I'd basically just move next door to you
I know. :loco:

Hey! I started this thread! Give me some love!

*examines fist*
I always grant you the fistlove.
thanks Nad and Moose!!!

yeah, we need some type of communal RC living space ... there's a lot of you fuckers that I'd like to meet.
Nonstop Exodus/Darkthrone/Slayer/Taake/etc. = The Most Hated Neighbours Ever
the clapping makes it fucking rule.

this one is ok too ...

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Those shredder things had me in tears the first time I saw them. Whoever did those is a genius.

The Maiden one where whenever Bruce jumps he says "whee!" hahahhaahahaha
lol ... this one?

never seen any of these
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hahaha that's it.

Oh really? Go watch the Eric Clapton one, that is my favourite. He breaks into Enter Sandman at one point and I go :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: all the way home.
hahahaha ... the Clapton one is like watching Michael Schneker drunk

but this is great ... Eddie Van Halen ... and you tube posters thinking its real in the comments :lol:
