attn: Minxes, arctopi and other ioliches

yea i mean that's where i work! anyway, yea email me (in your lj) or something and stuff. hopefully it won't rain and stuff.
i'll send you an email from her house on saturday night if we think we might go; otherwise it might just be a random drop-in or not at all. kind of depends on her mood!
oh yea i totally understand.
if you end up taking her to check in somewhere i can ask the clinicians at my job for a recommended place if you want. just so you know.
yea nyc is a big place. so if she doesnt know about different programs (and there are huge differences between hospitals) i can get info.
wait now mia's yelling at me and saying she's not going... i guess i'm going WITHOUT.

Anyway no I'm just going to go for the day to hang out. I have to be back here Friday.
Anyway, I will be in town from tomorrow morning until sometimes Sunday so if anybody wants to do anything just let me know via PM, I will be checking them throughout the evening and will find an internet cafe to check them. I have a pager but I have no idea it it'll work down there (probably...)

Hope your friend will be alright Alex.