ATTN: Mormagil


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

I got scolded at practice yesterday for selling this to you, how's it working out?

And if The Artist Formerly Known as Marksveld stumbles upon this, buy my Ebow! I need to buy a distortion pedal with some Gaypal cash! :tickled:
What about you!?!??! :p

I paid $80 for it and used it for about 8 seconds before packaging it back up all neat and tidy like, so like, $80 shipped to the US. I would've just returned it but Scram Ass has weird return policies with their online orders. Mr. Johnson has dibs on it and I'm willing to wait as long as he is, not trying to pressure him.
I ALSO WANT THE EBOW god shit it

However KINGNAD, that's a pretty shitty price because I can get one new for $76 at Music123 :loco: so sod off


I'm just trying to get my money back, if someone Gavepal'd me $70 I'm sure it'd be mailed out to them. :Spin:
Accomplished in this thread:

-mild hilarity
-sold ebow

Not accomplished:

-original intent
Not accomplished:

-original intent

Works just fine; I've been scraping the strings with my fingernails to create scary noises and playing "Funeral Fog" all day like a dork. :loco:

I'm sure if your bandmates are angry at you we could work out some arrangement whereby I mail it out to you hver time you guys practice, and then when you're done with it you mail it back.
haha sounds convenient, especially since we practice twice a week. :loco:

I need a new distortion pedal, but the only ones I want are like $200. Not too keen on spending that kind of cash for something I continuously step on with intent to break.

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