Amp advice...

I think about selling my modded Savage 60 for 600 €.

It was modded by Peter Diezel himself a few years ago. He improved the bass-sound and installed 6L6 Tubes.
It's a roaring beast. I just want to try something different - and I would love to get an amp with two independent channels. Maybe a Triple X...
I think about selling my modded Savage 60 for 600 €.

It was modded by Peter Diezel himself a few years ago. He improved the bass-sound and installed 6L6 Tubes.
It's a roaring beast. I just want to try something different - and I would love to get an amp with two independent channels. Maybe a Triple X...

Cool.. drop me a line when you deff. want to sell it.
We'll figure out a nice deal then...

:lol: Sorry, couldn't help it

Whoops...I just keep it there so you can keep laughing...
Oznimbus is basically right. Mesas are based on Fenders which are in turn based on an old design from RCA labs in the 1940's.
Being a tech, I would recommend you sell it and buy a metal amp.
The filtering in the power supply in that amp would never handle the low end you want. It would take major mods to get it to do metal really well.