attn: xfer


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i'm a little late on this but i finally managed to download all the avi's you have posted in the past week or so.

and not to sound vain it was way cool to finally see a video of what i look like headbanging. :headbang:

however, it is worth noting that your video also caught me redhanded as i completely forgot the right chord to play in marathon and just hit the open the strings!

i actually wish i'd snagged you at a taking-a-hard-shit-look-on-your-face solo juncture, but i was happy with the 'bangin' i captured!

(as an English major, it gave me great pleasure to type a word surrounded by apostrophes that's entirely proper English!)
well if she doesn't want you to pet her paws then don't try to pet her paws. she seemed alright when you were just petting her face like most cats. i think its just that you know what areas she doesn't like being pet and try to pet there on purpose to defend your "arrow is a bitch" argument.
what good is a kitty whose paws you can't pet?!

anyway, like i said in the other thread, usually you can't pet her head or her back or anything. i was gesturing in her general direction while talking to my mother about her and she leapt up and latched onto my hand.
I have to agree, what good is a cat whose paws you can't pet? That's the softest part, don't keep it for yourself kitty. I would advise water bottle treatment on arrow anytime she attacks you, just a little spritzer full of water.