The Definitive Rose of Sharyn DI + Backing


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I changed strings and cleaned the fretboard/frets/neck of the Stinnett today, and decided to quadtrack Rose of Sharyn so we can finally nail that goddamn tone.

Download link

Stinnett w/89 -> Redeye -> FF800

The clean bits are the 81TW split.

It's worth noting that none of these were edited for tightness, just silence... that's how I roll!

Sample clip with the POD tone I used to monitor:
Still downloading.. does this have just a mixed backing? Any chance of the bass DI/drum MIDI?

Just a mixed backing - you can grab the drum/bass midi from any guitar pro tab of it; no bass DI - it's trillian.

You should share that POD preset it sounds NOICE

It's just big bottom with the v30 cab and sm57 on axis, boost + eq in front. Lots of post-eq and a bit of saturation, though. Definitely doesn't come out of the POD sounding that good!


Interesting, I need to dig deeper into this... Sry for the clipping.
I thought I'd have a go at this...

I blended Nick Crow's 8505 and Onqel's X30 using redwire Mesa Cab impulses for Hi-gain and used the Lextac by Lepou for the clean.

I'd like to say its a quick mix but I have spent a good 2 hours on it :p

Maybe a little muddy on the low end. I think I have used a little too much gain.