attn: Yasser

where's yasser?

how come he hasn't responded immediately after you?

about the mix... I fully agree on that! and... I really like the flow from 10th to 16th song, mucho kewl!

holy shit, it arrived already?! i thought Serbian mail would be a lot slower. once i mailed my girlfriend in Italy a package and it took like 10 months to get there!

and yeah, where IS yasser?
I apologize for my tardiness. I am in hiding, you see. I am a wee bit worried after the criminal attacks on the heroes of Hamas and Islamic Jihad of recent days, and, you know, I would not put anything past a Jew. Even an attack on a little old man who just wants to be left alone with his bombs and his baby wipes.

I am glad you appreciate the mix. Most of those tracks come from my extensive collection of vinyl. Have you ever seen the Magnetic Fields, xfer? The last time they came through here, I worked their merch table in exchange for a t-shirt.