audio interfaces


New Metal Member
May 1, 2012
hey peeps. havin trouble settling on an audio interface any tips?

budget £350 max

zero latency would be heaven
as professional as i can get with in my budget
only needs 2 maybe 3 in and 2 out
no software needed

any tips on some solid choices would be great
What do you plan on doing with it? What is your current setup? Do you need it to be xpandable in the future?

Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 would be right in your budget. It's hard to do better at that price point. The ProFire 2626 would be another good one but it's going to be a bit more expensive than what you have planned for just about the same functionality other than an extra ADAT which you probably don't need.
mostly gonna be for demoing my own band but if i can get a good enough sound out of it ill try n whore myself out to other bands, everythings gonna be done digitaly, my room does not record well if i mic cabs, basicly all i wonna do is get the sound into my software(cubase with various xtra vst plugins) obviously the closer to perfect i cn get it to sound the better

cheers for the response by the way
I may be redundant in saying this but you can find used Digi 001s on the cheap on ebay, dirt cheap. The converters and pres are the shits but you'll get pro tools and 8 inputs. Mine is 10 years old and I love it. Plus, with your budget you could easily add a behringer ADA8000 which will give you 8 more inputs and good converters.
I'd recommend the Focusrite Scarlett's. Have a look at the 8i6, I think that would be what you're looking for. Has two mic pre's and two line in's, midi i/o and a bunch of outputs. It does have software, but you can use it without it (you just need to install drivers), but that being said you can monitor through the software and get zero latency. But even without it I can get down to 2ms with no issues, I could probably even get 1ms latency with it if my computer was faster. Pre's sound great, converters aren't too bad either