Audio quality...

As a "youngin'" growing up in the MP3 age I prefer the sound of Vinyl and CD FAR over MP3. Actually I prefer Surround Sound Dolby Digital DVDA 5.1 BUT vinyl comes next after that. ;)
There's another topic for discussion. 5.1 music audio... I personally do not like this. Music isn't meant to be heard like that, and it becomes distracting to me. It does have it's positives, like on some 5.1 releases you can hear things you may have easily missed with a stereo recording. I just don't like the feeling of a band playing all around me.
I just don't like the feeling of a band playing all around me.

Think about the irony of that statement for a moment :lol:

I think 5.1 is cool if it's a live recording, it's pretty neat on stuff like live Pink Floyd recordings when you have cool sound effects and things going on that you can really experience. But I can kinda see the dislike if it's a studio album, having everything separated like that isn't really how it's meant to be heard.
Think about the irony of that statement for a moment :lol:

I think 5.1 is cool if it's a live recording, it's pretty neat on stuff like live Pink Floyd recordings when you have cool sound effects and things going on that you can really experience. But I can kinda see the dislike if it's a studio album, having everything separated like that isn't really how it's meant to be heard.

I stand by that statement. :lol:

You know, Pink Floyd is one of the only bands I can think of where 5.1 really works the way it's supposed to. It benefits a band like this more so then say The Black Album by Metallica.

Even with DVD 5.1 audio for live shows, they still mix the band in front, and add crowd and echo to the surround, making you feel like part of the audience. Studio recordings mixed like this... I just don't get "why" other then you "could".
:lol: I had a good chuckle with that one too. I needed it after getting out of my law of contracts class, not to mention the asshole who pulled the fire alarm on campus tonight. Standing out in the cold during a fire drill at 8 pm is totally retarded.
My problem with having a band playing all around me is usually that the surround sound system is in a private residence. Hanging out with a band in a club or rehersal space is one thing. However, I really don't want to think "you know... it totally sounds like Deicide is in my living room" at any point in my natural life.