Audio quantize


Oct 30, 2010
What do you use to quantize, what do you quantize, when/where and why ?

I'm not a beleiver that everything should be aligned to the grid, far from it, but with technical stuff and double-strokes over 200 BPM, nobody can be a machine and produce transients spot on the marks.

So how do you go about doing that ?

Some people just drag the clip to align the transients. A million ways of doing things, right ? Because it's a DAW I've been using for a long time, I use Reason but that feature is relatively new in it. However, I track in Reaper and I'm not aware of such a feature. Anyway, the elastic in Reason is mindfuckingly hot.
Reaper has elastic quantization, never really gotten into it because editing in Reaper is such a fucking nightmare. Anyway I only track/mix my band's music or bands I know personally that can perform so the sources are right from the get go and worst case scenario have to replace or stretch a few things here or there. Slip editing takes care of the small stuff.

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Will watch right now and edit with comments, thanks man.
Edit: Well, damn*. Looks painful :S

I just want to point that I'm also talking about super tight performance pre-quantizing and not in anyway was I referring to something with the tiniest amount of sloppiness. :P

In Reason, it is a breeze :
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