Audio Technica Headphones M50 $89.99

I'm still an engineering newb (I signed up for this forum about a year ago), but I love them. The treble tends to be a bit overpowering at times, but for the money, they're incredible. They almost make my recordings sound a little too good.
Tried em, returned em. I found the opposite though, i thought they seemed bass heavy. Returned them for the shure840's, never looked back. I love the shure headphones, so natural. I have Yamaha HS80's and when i put my shures on it sounds almost the same as sitting in the room with the HS80s.
If I had to rate those headphones I'd give them a 6/10. They sound okay for the price, and although I find them muddy sounding they're still better than most heaphones arround it's price, and much better than the beats gargabe. Some of the reviews on these are way over the top, they're definitely not audiophile headphones and are not that defined even with a headphone amp. I also don't see how they are studio monitor headphones but that's not the reason why I bought them in the first place. The clamping force is terrible after listening for about 1 hour. I should've saved for the beyerdynamic dt 770...
Have a look at the frequency response of these headphones:

That's pretty close to what I hear from them. A bit too middy and missing some 5-8k crispness. They still translate better than cheaper headphones though. I want to get the Focal Spirit Professional once my M50s bite the dust.
I just came here to ask the same. Also, it's just one burn in or you have to do it several times?