Audio Technica Headphones M50 $89.99

just play like some sine sweeps through them while your at work for a few days. or just use them.
Good idea, thanks. I'll have them for several days before I get a chance to use them, so the sweeps will be perfect.

I'm still getting $150 :S bugger.

I just checked and it is $149.99 now. Must have been a one-off sale. Don't know if they ship overseas, but the other two places I was looking at seem to still have a price of around $100.00. B and H and SonicElectronix. I've used B and H before and they are great...never used the other place.
The straight cable still shows up at $149 for me as well. But the coiled cable came up as $91 after adding it to the cart:

Awesome! They must just be selling a certain number of each. I got the straight cable (would have preferred coiled but didn't see it as an option). Hope everyone that wanted a pair can jump on this before they are gone.
Bought em last night.

Love the pair I have, but something's screwed up with one of the drivers. I get a fuzzy sound every once and a while, so I thought they were blown, but a good whack seems to fix it :lol: Might just be loose, but I'm too lazy to fix it. I'll retire my old pair to tracking duties and use the new one for referencing mixes!