New Audio Technica M50 X headphones

^ the HD280 "leather" is so fragile. The headbands go first. lol

My M50s' earpads are cracked too. I read about using regular skin moisturizer but didn't try it yet.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one having those pads wearing out :)

I think the velvet replacements are interesting if they provide more comfort, but I'll wear out the stock ones first (until they're essentially reduced to shreds :lol:)
Just received the ath m50x
i've been using them for two days straight and i'm really happy with them.
I'd have to try out the original ath m50 to compare but i can definitely record for a long period of time without any discomfort.
Sound seems good, a lot of upper mids imo but nothing bad
Bumping this because I need another pair of headphones (mainly for singers) and I'm hesitating between buying another set of DT770 or choose the M50Xs. Both choices have their benefits for me: DT770s are really cool and mines are about 3 years old so a new pair could allow me to give the old ones to singers. M50Xs could offer another "point of view" for checking mixes... Sometimes I grab some bleed with my DT770 when I have to push them hard during tracking. Nothing horrible tho. How are the M50Xs on this point?
They are excellent for people with small ears. Otherways they sit way too tight and hurt after about 2hours... at least that's the case for me. I'd recommend getting something different to fit onto everybody's heads :lol:

Buy the Vic Firth's SIH-1. Total bleed kill!
They are usually mentioned for drummers, but they sound quite decent and kill bleed very securily and makes monitoring for musicians much cleaner. Especially for recording acoustic guitar they are awesome.
I had cracking issue on ear pads and just bought new cushions from eBay.
But my problem with them are more spectral response (subs are amazing so it's not a knockoff) - something with high miss is off for me. Mixing with them I end up with track that doesn't sound right on laptop and other stuff (vocals too quiet, something with guitar tone not working). I end up using iPhone 5s headphones and everything sound always like its intended on all systems. Although if I'll need to check solid subs I can grab my m50.
The high mids of the M50 definitely have something off, something I noticed in retrospect when I bought my Focal Spirit Pro. The subs hit a bit harder in the M50 though, at the expense of less evenness in the whole spectrum.
I tried the M50s a few months ago when buying headphones. I went through the whole store and tried 10ish pairs of headphones and to me the M50s had the same problem as all the closed headphones, the lows were too dominant. I ended up going with a semi-open pair of DT880s. They would be a nightmare to track with since the isolation is basically non-existant. But I strongly preferred them for critical listening. If I'd be going for a pair of tracking phones I wouldn't hesitate in getting M50s or DT770s, but for mixing the 880s/990s suited me better.
Well I tried them and did not like them at all. Hyper harsh and "cheap" sounding. Will stay with DT770s which are perfect to me. Thanks.