Audiophile Crap

That's bizarre.

I know this is one of those RC threads that has gone on since the dawn of time. However, does anyone actually care about fidelity? I mean, most people listen to MP3s. I rip my MP3s at 320Kbps, as opposed to 192Kbps, but I'm not really sure I can tell the difference. I can't see ever investing in expensive audio equipment again.

there are so many variables to music reproduction and what you end up hearing it's not even funny.

I mean my shitty $25 2.1 pc system is shit to great depending on 1" difference in sub placement.
there are so many variables to music reproduction and what you end up hearing it's not even funny.

I mean my shitty $25 2.1 pc system is shit to great depending on 1" difference in sub placement.

according to what universal book of right or wrong in music reproduction? The dude who made the music? The band's biggest fan? Whoever can belch loudest?
I'm in the market for a new set of closed head phones. I gave my Sennheiser HD280's to my kid bro who was pining for a set of shitty Dr. Dre headphones. I have $150 in my amazon account, let the suggestions roll. Ideally, I can just buy another HD280 set, but what's the joy in that?
Jerry, go peruse Just do it swiftly and dont get sucked in.

With the appropriate equipment, there is a HUGE difference between 192 and 320kbps.

Cables are stupid. Its so subtle and then it's mostly in your head too. Different tubes def sound different though.

I always rock out to CD's. MOthafucka.
I was actually surprised at the audio quality of the two pairs of Koss SC75's that I picked up on sale for use when running. $15 each. Makes me wonder why the fuck I even bothered with higher end shit to begin with. Sure I still want a pair of DT880's or something but eh...

Greg's post made me think of many of you still listen to CDs exclusively in the car? As in, you're heading out the door, stop by the CD rack and pick out what you're in the mood for during your shitty commute?
How many of you still listen to CDs in the house?

My car has built in USB, sticking a 32GB key in is far more convenient than lugging around 324820 cds.

I'll still play CDs at home from time to time, but my entire collection is ripped to my comp either in FLAC or high quality MP3 so I usually won't bother... just streaming stuff over HDMI to my receiver/speakers as I type this actually. Heh.
i listen to cds at home when im in the living room or whatever

i listen to mp3s when im at my computer, i have almost my whole collection ripped + a bunch of downloads

i listen to mp3s from an sd card in da car
I listen to cds in the gym and in the car, mp3s at the computer and vinyl/tapes in the living room.
Most CDing in the gym (three albums I haven't heard in a while/week more or less, good for getting through the collection but a lot of what I have isn't really gymming music so cyfaws-music lags behind a bit) since I don't really like to keep cds in the car and even when I do, I tend to keep the same pile there forever.
Turned on my system this AM for the first time in a while. GODAMN is it sublime....caveat coming.........with the right kind of music. My bro-in-law is bringing over his Naim amp to see how it sounds with the Merlins. Should be fun. Then next week, he is expecting some Tekton speakers I cant wait to hear and if I like, will sell my shit and buy. Downgrade to real mid-fi that is good with all types of music and isnt as revealing. Maybe some Tekton Lores mated with a Rega Brio integrated. WHo knows. We'll see how the Merlins sound with Naim.