Aurora Borealis make entire discography available for FREE!!

I am just saying metal MUSIC is not part of the "Mainstream" World. Most people out in the world 90% ??? do not care for metal music or its culture.

That's what he was talking about. Just because someone listens to metal doesnt mean he leads the lifestyle of that so called culture or is a part of that ''scene''
You guys are way off track here. Someone posted something making fun of me saying I dont think there is such as thing as "Mainstream" metal. I stick to that. I am still not sure of what this has to do with people who listen to metal and how they operate in the every day world. Getting back on track, do you guys feel metal music is or has been part of the mainstream culture as a whole?
You guys are way off track here. Someone posted something making fun of me saying I dont think there is such as thing as "Mainstream" metal. I stick to that. I am still not sure of what this has to do with people who listen to metal and how they operate in the every day world.

..dude it was about the people (and the music):

I am not sure why you posted that.... people into metal have always been a little bit separated from the regular every day world of general society. Do you disagree with that?

And like I said: A lot of people who listen to mainstream also listen to metal and the other way round. If you wanna say that people who listen are just these people who ''look'' like they're listening to metal and lead a trve lifestyle then...yeah read what cliff wrote ;)
some/a lot of those "metalheads" think it's cool and badass to be some dude who seperates himself from the rest of the world by he acting like a douchebag ("s because I know some people who prefer that lifestyle or fashion style and call themselves metalheads but aren't seperated from the rest of the world.)

Getting back on track, do you guys feel metal music is or has been part of the mainstream culture as a whole?

Yeah back in school loads of pop girlies loved ''alternative'' metal and hardcore punk and also listend to damian rice stuff and "chart music". Now in University (ok its an audio school I would be surprised if my mates there would be that closed minded) nobody cares about genres.
S, i agree with you to some extent but do you really feel Iron Mainden were mainstream? I know they sold out stadiums but "Mainstream" I dont know. Just because a band touched the charts does not mean they are mainstream. Most people in the world cannot tell you one iron maiden song, (remember remove yourself from the metal world) but I am willing to bet they could tell you a huge pop star of the eighties single.

I don't think there's many people in the previous or current generation who have never heard of Iron Maiden, and most of them probably heard the Trooper or Run to the Hills at some point, even if it was on GH/Rockband. So yeah, they're totally mainstream.

Getting back on track, do you guys feel metal music is or has been part of the mainstream culture as a whole?

Yeah definitely, even if it's just a handful of bands. Also depends on where you go - it's a lot more mainstream in Europe than in the States. In China, on the other hand, it's completely underground.
Pretty much 90% of people around my age here know of the staple shitcore bands regardless of whether they listen to them or not because a shitton of teenagers (including a surprisingly large proportion of completely normal ones) listen to them.
Yeah shitcore is all the rage these days. When I was in school it was Neue Deutsche Haerte.
Sorry Guys I have to completely disagree with you.
I dont think the average joe in the business world, has heard "The Trooper" I know for a fact hardly any of the people into the Beyonce, and Lil Waynes of the world know "The Trooper" My studios deals with all people and genres i would say 25% at most know who iron maiden is that come into my studio and of those 2% could recall what the trooper sounds like.
These are people in the music world. I stick to my guns and say most of the world does not listen to or know metal.

Snowy you say"And like I said: A lot of people who listen to mainstream also listen to metal and the other way round"
To my experience people that listen to mainstream pretty much just make fun of metal and say "are they talking about killing babies"

Now more so that Maiden, Maybe, Maybe most of the people of today know or have at least heard of Metallica, so maybe they are mainstream metal if you want to call them that.
Charli, I just saw that yesterday man.
I know the former drummer pete from nile was selling autograph cds on ebay from that very first ep they did. He just kept saying he found another box again and again. My guess a repress, if I bought one I would be checking the matrix codes to be sure.

Deicide started selling great tour stuff and guitars a while back, My friend bought one of the three piece backdrops. It is a damn shame when good bands have to sell their shit just to live.

...But that's how it goes when you play metal for a living. These guys sacrifice a ton for the music.
Snowy you say"And like I said: A lot of people who listen to mainstream also listen to metal and the other way round"
To my experience people that listen to mainstream pretty much just make fun of metal and say "are they talking about killing babies"

Well, that's something I experience here too... when people are 9 :hahamiddlefinger:
Sorry Guys I have to completely disagree with you.
I dont think the average joe in the business world, has heard "The Trooper" I know for a fact hardly any of the people into the Beyonce, and Lil Waynes of the world know "The Trooper" My studios deals with all people and genres i would say 25% at most know who iron maiden is that come into my studio and of those 2% could recall what the trooper sounds like.
These are people in the music world. I stick to my guns and say most of the world does not listen to or know metal.
It all depends on where you live. Here in germany, or at least where I live, I couldn't name ANY of my friends or people I know (age between 25-65 (only a hand full - including me - listen to metal)) who hasn't heard of Maiden or Metallica. Beyonce or all of those others american rappers, pop stars, etc. aren't liked very well here you know? We also do have a lot of cover bands and rock/metal bars here and there is every weekend something you can go so I really guess that more than 70% of all people here have heard of Maiden or at least Metallica.
Now more so that Maiden, Maybe, Maybe most of the people of today know or have at least heard of Metallica, so maybe they are mainstream metal if you want to call them that.
How do you guys define mainstream? Is a band mainstream just because they are famous?
You have to distinguish between bands like Maiden or Metallica and Lady Gaga. It's a fact that most the people here know Iron Maiden, but do they really know any song of them? Best example is Metallica. Everybody in the world knows Nothing Else Matters. This is a typical mainstream song because there's hardly any person who don't like this song. But I don't think that nearly 10% of them could tell me another Metallica song and even if they could, they propably won't like it.

Mainstream is something what people like and hasn't ANYTHING to do with famousness.
Snowy, I cant argue with that anymore. You think what you want, and I will think what i want. But just one thing........ How does it feel to be WRONG!!!!!!

holy shit whats wrong with you? :lol: Why am I wrong just because the ("mainsteam")people are kinda different where I live?
Sorry Guys I have to completely disagree with you.
I dont think the average joe in the business world, has heard "The Trooper" I know for a fact hardly any of the people into the Beyonce, and Lil Waynes of the world know "The Trooper" My studios deals with all people and genres i would say 25% at most know who iron maiden is that come into my studio and of those 2% could recall what the trooper sounds like.
These are people in the music world. I stick to my guns and say most of the world does not listen to or know metal.

It's all anecdotal evidence in the end, I guess. Everyone's experience is different. Plus, there's more different types of people than "average joes in the business world", and you can't define "mainstream" by just one group. "Mainstream" is anything that's widely known and accepted, and metal has had a plenty of of songs/bands like that. It does also depend on the location - maybe business people in the US aren't on average into metal, but go to Japan, and you see average 40-something salarymen hitting Iron Maiden or Japan X concerts. In China, the listeners' base is still very small, but extremely broad with staple "metalheads" in the minority. It may be alluring to pretend one is somehow special because he listens to metal, but I doubt that's true. Neither is there such things as "metal world" and "real world" that you keep bringing up.

How do you guys define mainstream? Is a band mainstream just because they are famous?

Well, fame is part of it, but you're right it's not just that. I can't really think of a good general definition right now, but I can offer a though on when something (let's say, for example, metal) becomes mainstream. It's when metal becomes incorporated in other media normally associated with "mainstream" pop culture that it becomes "mainstream" as well. Metal was mainstream when Lordi won the Eurovision, when Apocalyptica played as a special guest at Eurovision, when Rammstein played in XXX movie, when kids began obsessing over beating that Dragonforce song on GH, when metal bands get mainstream music awards, etc etc.
leandro It feels Superb!!!!!!

Well, if beyonce etc are not very well liked in Germany, I am coming to live there. I must admit I have never been there but I have been to numerous European countries and I have to say I enjoy them all much better than here. Now with that out of the way the places I have visited i must agree that people there may be more open to all genres. I cant really argue your point because i am not there nor do i know many people there who are not into metal. My connection with Europe is pretty much all people who are involved in metal one way or another.

Here is the US i don't know how I would classify mainstream. Is it how famous someone is?, maybe maybe not, How many album sales they have, or how much they are crammed down the throat of the radio listener and television viewer. What i can tell you is in the world I live in no one can name a maiden song that is not "Into" metal. Hell, they could not even name a Metallica song, just that they have heard of them. Remember I live near Washington DC not to much metal here at all.

I just can offer my own experience as you all can. Here No one listens to it and no one knows anything about it. If I walk up to random people on the streets of Washington DC and say hey have you guys ever heard of COB maybe one would say yes out of 100. MAYBE.