australian instores

Well I fly out of Adelaide on Tuesday the 17th around midday - hopefully I get to catch the guys flying out to Perth. I might kidnap them though ... keep em locked up at my place and get them to play only for me ... MUHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I laughed til I stopped.
Cyclonus said:
Adelaide need an instore.

I think Charlie was at Derringers last time but I didn't know, which sucked mega when I found out.

Yeah that was rumoured but I don't think it eventuated. At least I never heard anything after or anyone speak of it.......
timmyc said:
Yeah that was rumoured but I don't think it eventuated. At least I never heard anything after or anyone speak of it.......

Timmy's right ... it never did eventuate. My mate who is a drummer is on pretty good terms with the Derringer mob and they told him Charlie was expected however Mr Benante was suffering from some flu that day apart from also having to sort out finding replacement equipment seeing as their gear was on holiday in Fiji!

register!?!? whats with that!
The whole register thing...
The folks at Guitar World found that at the last instore with Satriani, quite a no. of people missed out.He was there 2- 4pm and had to go as the gig was that night.

In the Anthrax promos they asked for people to register by ringing the store (that no. again 9358 6665 :wave: ) So, if there is an insane line down to the next street and round the corner like last time at least those who had registered would get in.

Now that it has changed to 5pm there may be a whole lotta more people that can come down, so it might be a good idea to register. Hopefully the guys can also stick around a bit longer too, as the gig is the following evening. What do we need to bring Mr Wu - lots of VB? :D

:headbang: Cheers to all the Aussie Anthrax fans - not long to go!!! :headbang:
Oh and cheers to everyone else too!!
thraxton hicks - yeh, I figured as much (and witnessed the megadeth instore in melbourne) Im still unsure if I can make it... its on the line tho... and im getting a bit paranoid :erk:

as for taking lots of VB... um... if ya want... but why not a fresh taste of WA? give him something he aint never had, like a 5.2% raging bull from Bootleg? or something like that?
Uncle - Boog, I can save you a spot in line!! lol :D - Hey you gotta come down! Think about it - How often does any one of great interest/relevance come to Perth? C'mon man - you know it's like living on the set of Home and Away!!!!

Regarding the beer - agreed great breweries over here! Maybe we could all just bring a whole heap of diff. beers down. Entice the guys to stick around... Tues pm in Perth = boring!
I chose VB, as Scott has mentioned it in the past.
Do you know if Dog Bolter is still around and who made it.....mmmm beeeer!!
thraxton, sounds like a grat idea, its jus tthe whole getting off work early bit... :erk:
but if im gunna go, im gunna register today (if its not toooo late)
as for dog bolter, yeh, its common enough to find many places.

And I like the sound of all the perth boys take a variation of six packs... then im sure they stick about, compared to going out on tuesday (although it is officially my pub night with the fellas!) your right... borrring!
thraxton, sounds like a grat idea, its jus tthe whole getting off work early bit...

:ill: I thought that was what sick leave was for!!! - c'mon you know that's an Aussie tradition!

Hmm ok plan B - Alrighty Uncle Boog,you tell me where you work, I can come at lunchtime and render some bodily damage that we have both pre arranged - so you can go home early!! LOL :D

Seriously do hope it works out for you and think the six pack idea is brilliant!!
Maybe you could leave something at the store to be signed - they're generally pretty cool down there.
the sure-fire way to get off work is just shit your pants and say you've had an accident and you don't feel to good, your boss will understand by the stench coming from your pants, go home and shower with steel wool and goto wherever asap :)

my umm.. .. . ... friend.. yes that'll do.. used that technique and it worked for me.. i mean him :p :D
ive registered
so now I technically HAVE to go!
work wont be too fazed... ill just not tell them, and fail to return from lunch!!
any one got a sling, or neck brace so i can have wed and thurs off too?
How'd everyone go at the Sydney (Utopia) signing?

I just brought along 'Spreading The Disease' (Vinyl) and 'Sound Of White Noise'. All I had to get signed was STD. The lineup is as old as I am.

24 hours and Anthrax should be going off at Sydney. \m/>_<\m/
May should be dubbed Anthrax month. Lets hope they make it a hatrick next year and come again same time down this way.

Syd and Melb - GO HARD or GO HOME!

im leaving work in around four-ish.. dependgin when my mate rocks up here... and whether my gf is late bringing me the camera.... but Ill see yas there, do you have to 'check in' if your registered?