Automation question

Sep 8, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Is there a certain way where my DAW (cubase) can automate certain effects to increase as time progresses?

Ok wow that was worded poorly

For example...

Let's say I have a vocal track, and I want the reverb the increase in "wetness". The longer the singer holds a note, the more wet the reverb BECOMES.

How can I achieve this?
if all you want is the actual wet/dry mix to increase you can just automate the plugin parameter itself. Click the 2 square looking thingy on the plugin, it'll pull up a list of all parameters that can be automated, choose "mix" or whatever its called on your plugin and if you're in PT, the dropdown menu for the track itself will now include that parameter. Just click on it and automate as you would anything else ... volume, panning, etc ...

I don't know how it works in other daws but thats the basics of it

increasing the send is doing just that, its increasing the amount of the dry signal going into the verb. While this might result in a more noticeable reverb tail, its also just making it louder
You can also automate the time on your reverb plugin and have another vocal send to a delay that gets fed to the aforementioned reverb for more of what you want.