AV Club lists the best albums of 00's

Not including any of the bands I mentioned is a crime...

I'd like to know how many of those bands consider themselves as heavy metal.
I read: Grindcore, sludge, experimental rock, stoner, alternative, mathcore, psychedelic rock, avantgarde, post-metal... what the fuck is post-metal? And mathcore?
None of the list Anssi posted has the term "heavy metal"... is people ashamed of being heavy metal or is cooler to label your band with another stupid name?

Perhaps I'm getting too old and nostalgic but as I said before the name of heavy metal is prostituted.

no its just all of those sub genres are part of heavy metal, whether you like it or not......its like we have: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, baritone, 7 string etc.. but they are all guitars, and we could compile a list of best guitars which would have some classicals and some electrics, but ultimately they are all guitars

i actually dont know if my analogy made and sense whatsoever.....
grindcore is a punk subgenre ^______^

but yeah, metal's metal, whether its sludgy metal, mathy metal, avant-garde metal, stoner metal, cheese metal, black metal, whatever, it's all metal SO LETS ALL BE FRIENDS <3
no its just all of those sub genres are part of heavy metal, whether you like it or not......its like we have: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, baritone, 7 string etc.. but they are all guitars, and we could compile a list of best guitars which would have some classicals and some electrics, but ultimately they are all guitars

i actually dont know if my analogy made and sense whatsoever.....

Yes, yes... it makes sense.
More than 20 years listening to metal and now I read an articles about unknown bands and unknown subgenres that I didn't imagine they could exist.

I feel like a metal noob.:erk:

But now I've got a problem,... I don't know the music I do in my bands which subgenre is...speedmetal, melopower, pre-epic-prog... what a mess!!
Not including any of the bands I mentioned is a crime...

I'd like to know how many of those bands consider themselves as heavy metal.
I read: Grindcore, sludge, experimental rock, stoner, alternative, mathcore, psychedelic rock, avantgarde, post-metal... what the fuck is post-metal? And mathcore?
None of the list Anssi posted has the term "heavy metal"... is people ashamed of being heavy metal or is cooler to label your band with another stupid name?

Perhaps I'm getting too old and nostalgic but as I said before the name of heavy metal is prostituted.

Post metal, well, it's only been around for about 9 years now:p
Personally I don't agree with the name mathcore.
It's the same thing as technical metalcore, but some reason it's get shortened to mathcore, which to me would imply technical hardcore, not technical metalcore, but eh, I didn't invent that genre name.
If you're into the traditional side of metal, post metal might be so appealing to you.
It's basically everything traditional is not. So all the excesses of usual metal, like the solos, bazillions of riffs is gone basically.
This isn't a knock to metal at all btw, there is always time for Megadeth or Black Sabbath for me, but really, if you think about it, that's just how it is, it's just about being over the top and being absurd, and I love it for what it is.
Post metal is more about extended ideas really, and vocals (if present) really take a back seat.
I find a lot of post metal metal tends to suck less than "normal" metal does overall, since post metal is usually always about the big picture and how the composition comes together.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of "normal" metal is well composed, but it's also often made up of smaller and shorter ideas strung together and sometimes, as in the case of many prog metal bands, the compositions tend to fall flat because it's just a massive bunch of weak ideas instead of a few really great strong ideas that hold your interest for longer periods of time.

Try out post metal. You might hate it, you might like it, and you gotta be in the right mood for it.
It's amazing music for when you feel depressed, or just really chilled out.
Post metal, well, it's only been around for about 9 years now:p
Personally I don't agree with the name mathcore.
It's the same thing as technical metalcore, but some reason it's get shortened to mathcore, which to me would imply technical hardcore, not technical metalcore, but eh, I didn't invent that genre name.
If you're into the traditional side of metal, post metal might be so appealing to you.
It's basically everything traditional is not. So all the excesses of usual metal, like the solos, bazillions of riffs is gone basically.
This isn't a knock to metal at all btw, there is always time for Megadeth or Black Sabbath for me, but really, if you think about it, that's just how it is, it's just about being over the top and being absurd, and I love it for what it is.
Post metal is more about extended ideas really, and vocals (if present) really take a back seat.
I find a lot of post metal metal tends to suck less than "normal" metal does overall, since post metal is usually always about the big picture and how the composition comes together.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of "normal" metal is well composed, but it's also often made up of smaller and shorter ideas strung together and sometimes, as in the case of many prog metal bands, the compositions tend to fall flat because it's just a massive bunch of weak ideas instead of a few really great strong ideas that hold your interest for longer periods of time.

Try out post metal. You might hate it, you might like it, and you gotta be in the right mood for it.
It's amazing music for when you feel depressed, or just really chilled out.

Thanks for the explanations.
I've found in Wikipedia lists of bands of all those subgenres. I will do a Youtube search and listen to some songs... then I'll give my opinion.:kickass::kickass:
A bit too cool for school. Hipster BS if you ask me, even if some of the albums here are good, the writer is coming from the wrong place - trying to be "cool" instead of going with music they actually enjoy. Nobody has ever built a monument to critics.