Avatar Cabs

I have the standard closed back 2x12 with Vintage 30s. For the price they can't be beat. Sounds great, real solid construction, I love mine.

I have a closed back 2x12 with v30's for the heavier stuff and an open back 2x12 with an Eminence Wizard and an Eminence Red Fang for the not-as-heavy stuff. They're no Mesa cabs, but they seem to record pretty well. I still haven't really put them under the microscope for recording though. They sound great live.

So I'm not sure about the 4x12's, but the 2x12's really can't be beat for the money, IMHO.

Having said that, the construction isn't as wonderful as some of the reviews might have you believe, but it's definitely acceptable considering the price. On mine there were some minor flaws with the wood work on the inside, and the input jacks break REALLY easily. Swap those out right off the bat, especially if you're gonna gig with it.

The grille on my open back has started to rattle a bit after taking it apart to swap the speakers a few times. Just needs some toothpicks and wood glue to give the mounting screws something to dig into. No bigee. I still love 'em.
Yeah.. the harmony central reviews dont tell us that much actually...

I do read them before i buy something, but never look at the ratings..

chances are, somebody buys new gear he has been anticipating for a while, saves up money for it, and get's it..
first impression then will never be a solid honest one..
if they are anything like me, they will kid themselves that it's really good gear (even if it's not) for the first couple of days.. and most reviews seem to be coming from people who just bought something, and are happy about it.. just to discover that it's not so good after a couple of days..
Yeah, I usually don't hold that much stock in Harmony Central reviews, but I didn't see one bad review at all... There's usually at least one or two people who have something negative to say.

I'm thinking about making picking up a 2x12 just for recording. Maybe a V30 and something else for the other speaker.