AVID Pro Tools 10 & new hardware!

No 64-bit yet??? Pahahahahahahaha.

Apparently the 64-bit transition means having to do away with the TDM and RTAS plug-in formats, so they're holding off to allow plug-in manufacturers to make the transition to the new AAX format.

The program does allow some 64-bit style memory usage for the RAM caching.

It's an inconvenient but ultimately necessary transition if we want PT to be state-of-the-art again.
I really like the new features, hopefully it will make the functionality of PT better even though the new features aren't all that flashy(clip gain is great, I've been missing that!),
I think its a great upgrade and I don't mind paying the $300, I'll do it when I can afford it. It really should have been 9.1 though, calling it PT10 is a bit rich. Also apparently you can only get the HDX cards with a purchase of an Avid converter, which is just daylight fucking robbery.
One point I'd like to make, and keep in mind this is coming from a decade long fan boy of PT....

I think it's hilarious that they moved to 32-bit floating. After all the years of claiming 48-bit fixed was better, and all those god damn white papers/summing tests/negative marketing they made the jump. And more then that during the webcast, the guy even said (paraphrasing) " the jump from 48-bit to 32-bit floating was almost night and day".

Back to topic. Worst part of this is I think I'll get roped into buying it because with the level of editing I do, realtime fades will actually save me hours.
I hope they do not release a new version of Pro Tools every year, but I hope that full 64 bit program is right around the corner. I am very surprised that they did not make this a .1 release. I kind of figured they would save 10 for being 64 bit.
HDX dsp additional power really needed theese days?

Yes and no.

Post production and film productions will definitely benefit from the additional processing power.

It's not as necessary for most musical applications, although newer plugs and higher sample rates can easily max out an HD3 Accel rig these days.
Also, question—the new 32-bit float option (when creating a session) doesn't mean that you actually need to record files at 32-bits, but basically means that all the plug-ins in your session do 32-bit processing on all the (presumably 24-bit) audio, correct? Are there even any A/D boxes out there that let you record at 32-bits?

this is a very good question. I wonder if this changes how PTs 48bit mixer works?
HDX dsp additional power really needed theese days?
Try to run a 200 tracks session on native, full of plugins and you will understand;)
Highter sample rates doesn't help...

Post house run like 3 HD7 linked via video satellite option. So with new HDX, you can have an HD10 with 2 cards put on a single mac pro. Same voices and less used space (say bye to magma chassis).

From what I read the problem with HDX cards is they work exclusively with Avid Interfaces and you can't use the usual alternatives like Apogee AD16, Lynx etc.

Same thing with HD TDM card;)
this is a very good question. I wonder if this changes how PTs 48bit mixer works?

no longer 48bit mixer. Switched to a 32/64 point floating.

To answer Aaron's question, the new session actually allow you to have all kinds of different bit depth files. In terms of recording, I have no idea.
Mikaël-ange;10044082 said:
Same thing with HD TDM card;)
Wait, what? I know a lot of people are running Core and Accel Cards with interfaces/converters other than the official AVID ones (192, 96, Omni, 8X8 etc).. and I read that PT10 will discontinue support for alternative interfaces you could formerly connect to the cards like the Apogee AD16 (there's a special card to connect it with PT), Apogee Symphony, some Lynx cards etc.
Or are you saying the same thing and I didn't get you?
They also said the next version won't support the 192 I/O anymore.. not sure if this is correct, though.. but it would explain why 3rd party interfaces wouldn't work because they basically emulated the 192 I/O to work with the dsp cards.

By the way, epic shitstorm in the Avid Shoutbox: https://www.facebook.com/AvidProToolsFamily
So chime in guys, and we might get this cheaper or at least they will think twice before making the next update as ridiculously expensive and stupid as this one.
Worth reading if you want the performance lowdown,

IMHO its a significant upgrade for the disk cache feature alone (if you are an HD user), Channel strip plugin is amazing ans sounds great, i cant really see myself "needing" any other channel strip unless its for some kinda character sound, and its free with PT10, some people would spend $200/$300 for that plugin alone.
And guys there really is no need for the "cubase, sonar, logic, reaper etc has had this or that feature for year blah blah blah" every time a new version comes out, yes the price may be high if you have just upgraded to 9 but if you want it you'll buy it if you dont....then dont ;)
I think its worth the upgrade price just for channel strip.