AVID Pro Tools 10 & new hardware!

Wait, what? I know a lot of people are running Core and Accel Cards with interfaces/converters other than the official AVID ones (192, 96, Omni, 8X8 etc).. and I read that PT10 will discontinue support for alternative interfaces you could formerly connect to the cards like the Apogee AD16 (there's a special card to connect it with PT), Apogee Symphony, some Lynx cards etc.

Let's me clarify this:third-party interfaces was never supported with HD TDM. You will never see an Apogee AD16 inside PT HD TDM. What you see instead are Digi 192. So the extra card for third party converter are there for "trick" PT.

For exemple, let's me quote SSL Delta link install manual:

General information
The Delta-Link MADI HD can work with Pro Tools® HD systems running on a Windows PC or Macintosh OS X computer.
Using the Delta-Link MADI HD with the Pro Tools® software is generally straightforward. However, there are a few points
to be aware of:
• The Delta-Link MADI HD appears in the Pro Tools® software as four Digidesign® 192 I/O units, except when operating
at 176.4 or 192kHz, in which case it appears as two Digidesign® 192 I/O units.
• The MADI inputs and outputs appear in the Pro Tools® software as Analogue or Digital (AES/EBU or ADAT) inputs and
outputs belonging to these four Digidesign® 192 I/O units. Therefore, you will not find any MADI inputs or outputs listed
in the Hardware Setup page of the Pro Tools® software (select Setup|Hardware). Please use the inputs and outputs that
are listed, regardless of their denomination – they are really your MADI inputs and outputs – and do not select “None”.

You get the point now?

But don't worry, converter manufacturer will work on new driver for do the same thing with HDX card;)
for me those are reason enough to upgrade

wow, abandoning TDM support?
sp Avid is turning their back on what used to be their biggest market?
not sure i that's a smart move...
then again there are still loads of studios working on PT7.4 etc, so I guess 10 will be fine for the next 10 years as well

Was same thing when going from Mix to HD.
Now going from HD to HDX. Spec look awesome but I'm not ready to spend 12k euros in crossgrade right now.:lol:
Yeah thanks for the explanations guys, got that. That's what I suspected (tricking PT and appearing as the 192 I/O) and it explains why - without an update - the alternative interfaces wouldn't work with PT 11 and higher. Doesn't concern me anyways I was just interested and saw threads from very upset people in the Avid forums :lol:
Wow, that HD upgrade price is really steep. Even some of the guys I know at big studios are probably going to pass on this. I totally support the direction Avid's been heading in, they've made some great choices with their software and hardware support, but all I can surmise is it must have come with a high development cost.
Neil's on fire! :D

I just feel like i can see where Avid are coming from and this scenario is not a new form or way of operating for them.
Its the way they have worked for years since as long as i can remember, it might be something new for anyone who have not been familiar with it before.

There are obviously enough happy users that continue to go with this model as its the norm for long time users.

You could think of it like when apple say your trusty Mac G5 cant have any version of OSX past 10.X.X because they need to cut down the number machine versions they have to support/test in house for every build, and of course sell some new Shiny intel Macs to keep their cashflow rolling.

Anyway, im off to bed, but i will whole heartedly recommend anyone dig a little deeper into researching what PT has under the hood beyond the standard DAW features ,
watch all the PT10 Avid.TV videos, especially the Eucon integration one for Artist control and tell me thats not impressive stuff.

Il leave this never ending conversation there for now, Happy Metal Making people! :headbang:
K, just bought 10...let's see how good it really is

Only because of the newer AAX format instead of TDM, AAX will cover native and DSP powered plugins for HDX DSP cards.

it will be interesting to see which TDM developers will embrace AAX though,
They way i see it at the moment, A developer will only have to write one plugin in AAX format and that will work for native And DSP if you have an HDX Card, rather than having to wite an RTAS and TDM version of the same plugin.
For me this is an attractive prospective for developers.

well, didn't know about that AAX stuff tbh, should have read more thoroughly ;)
let's hope that revibe, phoenix etc will be available for AAX then ;)

BUT: apparently you HAVE to buy a new omni to even qualify for the upgrade...so even people who bought a new omni when it came out last year can't upgrade to HDX without buying a new one...and that's absolutely gay

from another forum:
Got a quote today from rspe to swap my hd2 pcie for 1 hdx card.


No Interface bought or swapped. Do the math and cry about how much you are getting for your cards.

- HDX + OMNI = $9999
Avid Pro Tools|HDX System (HDX w/HD OMNI) | Sweetwater.com


- OMNI (alone) = $2995
Avid HD OMNI | Sweetwater.com


Oh yeah, the hdx card won't work on a pre nehalem mac pro so I guess I would need to buy a new computer as well.

I was told that my lynx auroras would work with the current lthd card. Not sure how much I believe that though. Probably have to buy another workaround from lynx or another set of converters. Hope im wrong for other people who would actually consider this insane proposition.

No Thanks

haha, so if you upgrade they give you 500$ for your HD2 PCIe cards....which cost you like 11k$....what a generous upgrade offer to reward the long time customers, lol
K, just bought 10...let's see how good it really is

well, didn't know about that AAX stuff tbh, should have read more thoroughly ;)
let's hope that revibe, phoenix etc will be available for AAX then ;)

BUT: apparently you HAVE to buy a new omni to even qualify for the upgrade...so even people who bought a new omni when it came out last year can't upgrade to HDX without buying a new one...and that's absolutely gay

from another forum:

haha, so if you upgrade they give you 500$ for your HD2 PCIe cards....which cost you like 11k$....what a generous upgrade offer to reward the long time customers, lol

I know that Dave Hill Confirmed at AES that he has Phoenix in beta AAX version right now as well as Steven Slate and Softube.
That upgrade stipulation certainly seems a bit tight perhaps that will be relaxed a bit once the hype dies down a bit.
I know that Dave Hill Confirmed at AES that he has Phoenix in beta AAX version right now as well as Steven Slate and Softube.
That upgrade stipulation certainly seems a bit tight perhaps that will be relaxed a bit once the hype dies down a bit.

yeah, for up to 1k I might make the switch, but 7k? no thanks, I'd rather buy a nice Neuman and an SLO100 for that.
I won't be able to upgrade to anything past 10 anyways (at least not if I wanna keep using the control 24)
yeah, for up to 1k I might make the switch, but 7k? no thanks, I'd rather buy a nice Neuman and an SLO100 for that.
I won't be able to upgrade to anything past 10 anyways (at least not if I wanna keep using the control 24)

I have a feeling that PT10 will have quite along lifespan certainly more than 8 or 9 because of the massive hardware transition for users coming from HD.
I cant afford to upgrade either and id like to use the Pro Control ive got put by with it for a little bit but that can always live with my MIX TDM tracking rig,
Im setup with the Eucon stuff already so at least im still current with that and the new Eucon features and pretty immense but i just need to get into the workflow of remembering where and what page the functions i want to get to live on the MC controls screen o_O

AAX wise i hope Eventide follow suit and we finally get a native Anthology 2 bundle !
Wow, turns out I bought the wrong update (like hundreds of users apparently), they have their shop quite confusing....
the PT10HD upgrade is 1000, lol...they can suck my freakishly large cock before I spend 1k for a software upgrade.

now I hope I'll get a refund for the money I just spent for the wrong update
By the way, if you guys could chime in on the "software monitoring OFF switch" issue that'd be great.
It's one of the most requested features in the PT IdeaScale community btw.
So please go to the IdeaScale page and upvote the feature request here: http://protools.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Input-Monitoring-OFF/27200-3779
And state your opinion on the topic here, so we might get the feature expanded or if anything an answer by AVID: http://duc.avid.com/showthread.php?t=309595

This is a serious issue because it prevents people with interfaces like Metric Halo 2882, Metric Halo ULN8 and LIO8, Metric Halo ULN2, RME Fireface 400, 800, UC and UFX, RME Babyface, pretty much every MOTU inteface with built-in DSP ever, and lots and lots of other people with zero-latency dsp monitoring interfaces from using ProTools the way it should be possible. Also it is a dealbreaker for anyone using a mixing console while tracking and is doing the monitor mixes with the desk.
There's just no way that muting all tracks before you can record is a usable workaround.
haha, so if you upgrade they give you 500$ for your HD2 PCIe cards....which cost you like 11k$....what a generous upgrade offer to reward the long time customers, lol

That why I will pass on this... Too much money to spend (HDX + converter and add to that mac pro).:cry:
But I don't worry too much since I doubt big mixer will upgrade soon.
TLA for exemple switched from MIX to HD this years.:lol:

Look at the prices on eBay now.

PT9 is selling new for under $400, I'm guessing people selling their licenses are now going to fetch maybe $200, if that.

Should've traded my copy for Cubase when I could. Looks like tons of people are jumping ship... Hopefully Avid will actually listen to their customers and at least lower the upgrade cost significantly. This is bullshit.