AVID Pro Tools 10 & new hardware!

Just installed PT10 some hours ago. I received the upgrade for free :p .
Everything is running smooth so far......
My post at the DUC:

I was also shocked with the price of the upgrade!!!

After Session 8 I went through Mix, Mix +, HD and HD Accel.
I think that I did all the upgrades since PT5. I don't have the records with me of all the software upgrades I did but I'm more than sure that none came close to this price.

Here are some that I found on my emails:
(If someone has records of all the upgrades you did please post them)

PT 7.2 -> PT 7.3 - 70 Eur
PT 7.3 -> PT 7.4 - 65 Eur
PT 7.4 -> PT 8 - 200 Eur
PT 8 -> PT 9 - 200 Eur

And now PT 9 -> PT 10 - 867.51 Eur ?????

What's the explanation for this enormous price increase????
That's more than 4 x the regular price!!!!!!

And funny or not, non HD upgrades didn't rise so much as HD ones.

Probably what Avid wants is to lose their HD customers and concentrate on "LE" customers.

Or try to convince HD clients to use the "normal" non HD version...

I won't say that I will look for another DAW because I'm happy with PT but I will not do this upgrade in these conditions...

For the first time I refuse to pay a PT upgrade.

I will wait for PT 11 where the upgrade will have for sure a "normal" price after they realize that it was a big failure because of their stupid attempt to pull out a lot more money than what would be the fair/usual price from their loyal customers.

Monopoly, monopoly...
ok i got the free student upgrade and installed today.

i know the upgrade is extremely pricey, especially for the HD guys.

I must say I am fucking impressed by the performance.
I just opened what used to be the most buggy projects in PT9, and tried them out in PT10....
The playback is wayyyyy smoother. Opening times of sessions much faster.
Even with a big SD2.0 kit open and plugins everywhere, native and UAD, i had no overloads, stops, crashes...
that used to happen ALL THE TIME in with version 9.

too bad the disk cache is not included in the non-hd version... that would have been sweet.
I'm getting it for free too because I bought a student version of 9. As soon as my currently capped internet rolls over ill download 10 and see how it goes :p hopefully less bugs than 9.

Also I'm curious about how long it'll take for a new VST wrapper to be designed. FXpansion's wrapper will still do for PT10, but come PT11, RTAS (as well as TDM) will be discontinued completely, so if I want to keep using the many VSTs I use on a daily basis either the plugin designers need to make an AAX version (unlikely for the free plugins) or for someone to design a new AAX wrapper.

But VST plugins aside, also looking forward to trying out real time fades, clip gain and the new Avid channel strip
I don't understand why people who got the student version get the upgrade for free, it's totally beyond me...
Haha yeah especially since with other programs, you sometimes can't cross- or upgrade AT ALL if you bought the student version :lol: If only I had known... would've been cheaper and I'm a student too, so... damnit.
Brett, how do you deal with the stupid restriction with the software monitoring issue? Do you also mute the tracks you want to record everytime you hit "record" or what does your workaround look like?
Yeah but wouldn't that make punch-ins impossible? Because the tracks have to be record enabled (or active, not sure how this is called in PT) even before you are actually hitting the record button and would be muted (silent) while you are still playing back to make it easier for the musician to punch in? Or am I missing something here?
No in fact you are right my idea doesn't work. I haven't recorded a band with Pro Tools yet in studio (only time I used it to record a band was in a live situation), I feel more comfortable with Cubase for that actually :)
*sigh* Damnit. I also still use my "old" DAW (Logic) for all the tracking work in the studio - and mixing too.
Mute/Unmute is the only way unfortunately...or zero latency monitoring with avid interfaces (now every interface).
Yep, seems you are right. Not really a good workaround for me because I manually punch in a lot and I can't think of any way to mute all the tracks the second I hit record :lol: (Except for buying QuickKey and programm PT to mute the selected channels when you press record at the same time.. not sure if it would work since I think all channels would be muted that way)

We use ProTools HD at the school studio and I am getting pretty comfortable with the workflow in PT, that was the reason I am trying to make the jump to PT at the studio, too. But Avid really does not want us to use PT at all :erk: :puke:

I hate the day I bought PT, worst purchase ever. Probably going to get ProTools 25 someday when they realize it's actually a good idea to make a fully working product :) It's ridiculous really.
Honestly I couldn't be happier when mixing since I got Pro Tools. Well, yeah ok that's a lie, I could be happier: with HD cards and much a longer plugin delay compensation (they expanded it by about 50% in PT10 though)...
I don't really know the problem you're talking about (since as I said I never recorded in the studio with it) but I'm sure there are many workarounds :)
Ok so apparently the ADC has actually been multiplied by 4 and is now 16,383 samples (instead of 4,000 and something).
Actually the more I see and read about PT 10 the more I know I will buy it, just not right now, but I definitely will.
I don't really know the problem you're talking about (since as I said I never recorded in the studio with it) but I'm sure there are many workarounds :)
Well, the only know workaround seems to be muting the tracks you are about to record. Makes punch ins with pre-roll nearly impossible and manual punch-ins are even harder. All other workarounds actually don't work :Smug:
There's hundreds of people over the internet complaining about it, yet Avid don't even bother to reply. It is also one of the most upvoted feature requests on the IdeaSale.
You could completely deactivate the soundcards monitor mix function of course.. meaning the UFX would be competely useless.

Other than this issue and the high price I also think PT10 is a nice step up. But this should have been the original PT 9 release and the monitoring issue should be solved.

By the way there actually is a way to deactivate monitoring on all channels: Buy the $2000 CPTK :lol:
Makes punch ins with pre-roll nearly impossible and manual punch-ins are even harder. All other workarounds actually don't work :Smug:

I use punch ins with pre roll.
You have only to mute the tracks when the punch in starts.
I let the musician hears what he has already recorded (so with tracks unmuted) so he can start playing "on top of" what he has already recorded. When I'm near the punch in position I mute the tracks and he continues to play/record.
The important thing is that he plays on top of the preroll so you can mute the pre-existent recorded part but the musician hear what he's playing.
You guys really have that big of a problem with latency? I have my hardware buffer set to 128 while tracking, and I just don't use many plugins til mixing. I've never had to use the hardware mixer. I mute that and just punch in like normal, while monitoring through pro tools.
It depends on the interface. I noticed that my profire 2626 at 128 buffer has a noticeable latency. RMEs are usually faster and probably you can deal with the latency at 128. Anyway PT9 and PT10 allow also a 64 samples buffer size, that should be pretty nice.
In my case, at 128, when I record bass or guitars I notice the latency and with zero latency I'm way more comfortable.