awesome guitar work thread

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
So go ahead and post some songs you like that have sick riffs, solos, anything GUITAR RELATED/GUITAR DRIVEN. I can't get enough of this stuff and I know I'm missing out on a lot. Let's try to get it as varied as possible, too. Death metal, jazz, who gives a fuck.

So, I mean...this song just sends chills down my spine. The riffing is super fucking sick. It's from the newest Insomnium album. These guys and Kalmah have been carrying the torch since N' Flamyz dropped it almost a decade ago.

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One of my favorite all-time guitar solos is from "Rainbow In the Dark" - I know Viv Campbell is known as a dick and he turned his back on metal a long time ago, but I think he was only 19 when he recorded this and it still stands the test of time. I found this clip on youtube of somebody playing a cover of it and I was amazed - the guy nails it, and there aren't too many players that can do that - much less even have the balls to try it! It has everything - speed, bends, trills, slides, and emotion....

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That guitar solo in the Damn the Machine song is brilliant, and that whole cd is great. Chris Poland displayed some great guitar work on that and it was seriously underrated. The Mediterranean Sundance choice was a no-brainer....that is a legendary performance.