Awful news....don't know how else to say it


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge

Dimebag Darrell & Vinnie Paul of Damage Plan, obviously from Pantera, were shot & killed tonight shortly after their concert began in Columbus, Ohio.

I wasn't even a huge fan of theirs, and I'm a bit shaken by this news.

RIP Dimebag Darrell
RIP Vinnie Paul

What the fuck?!
I'm going to be tasteless and say "Too bad it wasn't Anselmo".

Still, no person should go out like that. A shame, really.
I'm just saying, regardless of your feelings on the band, their music, whatever. This is fucked up.

To think otherwise, is just, well I don't fucking know at the moment what to think about that type of person.
Holy crap. Man, I've been seeing Dimebag Darrell in Guitar School magazine for as long as I can remember buying it. He was so well respected as a guitar player in the metal community....

I somehow missed the whole Pantera era (I think they were bigger in the US than in Europe), but still, RIP those two....

Did they have any kids and family?
I don't know Ali, I'm actually now reading conflicting reports...but it's a Damageplan forum I found, so who knows if the masses of teenagers on that site actually know anything or are just fucking around.

If this is indeed proven true, it's a sad day for any fan of heavy music, contrary to the two morons above you.
If Dimebag is dead I'm going to be really fucking upset. He is one of my all time favorite guitarists and Pantera played an absolutely HUGE roll during my childhood years.
Associated Press article, sorta vague:

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A man opened fire in a crowded nightclub during a rock concert Wednesday night, killing at least one person and wounding at least six others, authorities and witnesses said.

Columbus police communications technician Misty Stevens said at least seven people were shot at the Alrosa Villa, and one of them had died.

Witnesses said in television news reports that a man ran onto the stage and began firing shots at the members of the band that was playing. A witness said patrons were unsure at first whether the gunman was part of the show, but that they began fleeing when the music stopped.

A band called Damageplan was headlining the show that included two other groups, but it wasn't immediately clear which group was on stage.
I saw that as well. Several major midwestern newspapers are indeed reporting that Dimebag Darrell and "another member" of the band were shot & killed, but no one really has quality sources as of yet.
If it's on NBC news, then chances are it's true, unless someone copied the news site.

How am I a moron? People are shot and killed everyday. Hell, 3 or 4 of the top news stories in Houston are shootings every day. Just because those two played in a band doesn't mean they were more important than anybody else.

Like I said, it sucks, and I truly am sorry it happened, but where's your bleeding heart for other shooting victims?
markgugs said:
If this is indeed proven true, it's a sad day for any fan of heavy music, contrary to the two morons above you.


huh-huhuhu hey J.... Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul just got shot...
hu-huh-huhuhu-huh-huh-huhuhuh This is cool.....
I'm not going to bother getting pissed about the irreverence (which I knew would break amongst the "tr00" as soon as I saw this article in the GMD), but I will say that not many guitarist's playing, particularly the METAL ones, can bring me to tears. Dimebag could.

I urge any dissenters to check out the ending solo to Floods by Pantera, absolute perfection. And SOUL, my god the soul. Fucking hell.
This is bad for metal in several ways:

1) Bad reputation increases–go to metal shows and get shot.
2) Insane concert security with intrusive searches and fans not allowed near the stage.
3) Bands are scared of touring America.
4) Pantera gets the Nirvana treatment.

Also, Darrell's death is a bummer, since by all reports he was a decent guy. That sucks.
markgugs said:
If this is indeed proven true, it's a sad day for any fan of heavy music.
Dimebag was such a prominent figure in the guitarist community, with all those endorsements for his washburn guitar everywhere, and his shredding lessons in Guitar School, I respected him for that alone.

Also, you have to hand it to Pantera for making metal when 'metal was dead' in the early 90's. They stuck with it.

It was only a few weeks ago when these two guys hosted MTV Headbangers Ball...

J. said:
If it's on NBC news, then chances are it's true, unless someone copied the news site.

How am I a moron? People are shot and killed everyday. Hell, 3 or 4 of the top news stories in Houston are shootings every day. Just because those two played in a band doesn't mean they were more important than anybody else.

Like I said, it sucks, and I truly am sorry it happened, but where's your bleeding heart for other shooting victims?
Well come on dude, you're just a moron because.

I'm not a bleeding heart either, I think that's been proven time & again. But when 2 members of a band I listened to at great lengths between the ages of 16-19 are shot & killed onstage in 2004, well forgive me, but that's a pretty big deal to me.

I don't honestly give a fuck about the 2 gangbangers on the corner who are shooting at each other. But this was at a concert, not unlike the 100s of concerts I've been to over the past few years. And it hits home. I wouldn't think this requires any further explanation.

I suppose it'd be a big deal if it was Steve Austin or something though, right?

Whatever, I didn't pop back in to argue. I came back to post some news that I mistakenly thought would be of semi-importance to fans of heavy music. My bad.
I'm not disrespecting those two (I'll save that for Anselmo), I guess I'm immune to "nightclub shootings" since it seems they happen all the time down here.

Also, I use to listen to Pantera, but was never a big fan, so.......

Hell, there was a rumor that Darken was shot and killed not too long ago, and I was like "I'm not surprised. Oh well."
Well Jeff, my point is that regardless of whether someone is a fan or not, this should be looked at as the sad news that it is. I guess that's all. Maybe I'm becoming a big softie in my old age. Or maybe I'm just drunk.