Awful news....don't know how else to say it

I was 13 when I first heard Vulgar Display of Power, and I remember going out to buy Far Beyond Driven on the release date and it hitting #1 on the charts that week. Still one of my all time favorite albums.

I've always respected Pantera for a number of reasons. For starters, they are very much metal. Second, it may have spawned a whole generation of uber-testosterone-mindless-shite, but Pantera were MUCH more than that. They were always one of those bands that you wanted to stay home from school and practice their riffs and solos, and unlike a lot of other popular acts, not everybody and their brother could nail them after 3 attempts.

*withholds plenty more tidbits for future post (in about 2 minutes)*
I know I was being a tool in my earlier posts in the thread, but to be honest now: yeah, by all measures Dime and Vinnie were great guys and this will probably have huge reprecussions on the North American metal scene (ie. people not wanting to host metal concerts because of potential risks like this).

It really is a shame, but you gotta admit that dying onstage is the most metal way to go.
Yeah, I tend to think that NBC's Columbus, OH affiliate says it happened, then chances are, it did.

But there's a report from some dude/dudette who says his friend works the lights at the venue, and Vinnie Paul called an acquaintance on a cellphone or something, to say he was ok, shot, but ok.

So right now I'm waiting for some kind of confirmation. God forbid MTV or VH-1 could break away from their regularly-scheduled nonsense to clarify some things.
NicodemiX said:
I know I was being a tool in my earlier posts in the thread, but to be honest now: yeah, by all measures Dime and Vinnie were great guys and this will probably have huge reprecussions on the North American metal scene (ie. people not wanting to host metal concerts because of potential risks like this).

It really is a shame, but you gotta admit that dying onstage is the most metal way to go.
Thanks for posting this.

Imagine what the insurance for venues will be like? Ugh.
markgugs said:
Vinnie Paul called an acquaintance on a cellphone or something, to say he was ok, shot, but ok.
Good goat I hope so.

By the way I love Vinnie Paul as well, but it doesn't look like anything happened (physically) to him. So yeah.

Ugh. This still blows for a number of reasons, the security thing, the fear thing, etc. Bleargh.
No, haven't heard that Satch song, gonna have to now. No surprise if Dimebag is a fan of his though.
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure there is no tapping in that solo (I learned it long ago, and I've never been able to two hand tap on a guitar, only 6-string basses for whatever reason).
This suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I had to go out and drink some beers with the bro's in (hopefully temporary) mourning. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckckkckckck
We were getting ready to form a lynch mob for the dude, but apparently he's already dead.

I hope he suffered. Dickweed.