AWG-cover artwork and promo-pics!

I already ranted something to Nevershine, but here goes again in public:

The cover has a some sort of strange artificial touch, like it's been manipulated somehow, but I just can't point my finger at anything specific (well, the face, d'oh). Partly makes a same kind of feeling like most CGI.

But if I recall correctly, Toni mentioned that it's a real photo without any major treatings. Is that right? Very interested to see how that looks in the "real" cover, as the small size and that being on a monitor screen may cheat my eyes.

The logo looks a bit too generic and your band photo makes me wish I was a girl. Aww, so cute boys :oops:
Actually, the pipes were photographed on the left side only and then copied to the right side also. that way the hallway appears to be "too narrow". I don't think that Timo and Eemeli have applied any major manipulation-effects to it...
(Goes sit in a corner in shame.)

Of course. A normal human would've noticed that in a second, but not me with my eyes turning to wood by the aging process towards a blind old fart-hippie. I succesfully ruined all my (hypothetic) talents with graphics in my youth, drawing perverse logos in school desks and ANSI-art.

But the little that I know about Timo, those 1:1 shadows the copying resulted must've been intentional. They still look a bit strange, though. I'll wait until I have the cover in my own hands until I'll start raving like an idiot about how much better the picture could've been with only a little more trouble :Spin: