Axe FX II XL vs. 2203 KK and SM57 vs. 906

Hey, all those tones can be useful, but the first and the last are sounding best alone, but also are sounding pretty typical..

Hey, why not experiment with 2nd and 3rd to find some new and interesting tones!!!

Man, it all depends ;)

Anyway, good job!
1 > 2 >> 4 > 3

i really dont like 3 and 4 and these dont share any 2203 characterstics i know from your old recordings. So i guess its something like this:

1 - Marshall + SM57
2 - Marshall + e906
3 - Axe + e906
4 - Axe +SM57

Not sure about mic. The e906 is darker than the 57 but with engaged hiboost its sharper than 57.
Which ones the amp and which ones the axe? Same for 57 and 906 :)

Who cares? Why's it have to be a guessing game? It's not like I'm going to run out and buy a piece of equipment based off your mediocre recording. :Smokedev:
1 > 2 >> 4 > 3

i really dont like 3 and 4 and these dont share any 2203 characterstics i know from your old recordings. So i guess its something like this:

1 - Marshall + SM57
2 - Marshall + e906
3 - Axe + e906
4 - Axe +SM57

Not sure about mic. The e906 is darker than the 57 but with engaged hiboost its sharper than 57.
Almost! :)
1: Amp with 57
2. Amp with 906
3. Axe with 57
4. Axe with 906

All Axe signals are direct.
Are you recording the Axe with IR here or micing the cab?
See above
I liked 1, 3, and 4. I did not like 2.
That was a 906
the only one i'd ever use is the first one, with a little less lowend. That one is pretty good, the rest aren't.
I would go with the first one too
Who cares? Why's it have to be a guessing game? It's not like I'm going to run out and buy a piece of equipment based off your mediocre recording. :Smokedev:
Why not? I wouldn't buy an amp based on yt videos anyway. At least not anymore :)
I thought the first tone sounded best.

Me too.