AxeFx Ultra / Tone Thoughts (Help)


New Metal Member
Dec 6, 2010
Hey guys,

Sort of new to the forum but I love recording, fairly decent setup. I really wanted some peoples opinions on this tone I pulled on the Axefx Im trying to get a really punchy but fairly low gain tone similar to a Sturgis guitar tone I guess that's how I would describe it..If you could listen to this and then perhaps tell me how I could improve it to get it sounding a bit closer, that would be fantastic!

Its using the Axefx patch, poweramp turned on and a impulse a friend of mine made (mesa 4x12 sm57) running through KeFIR.

What I've learned from the guys on this forum is that you need PodFarm for that kinda tone. Lol, chill. I'm only joking.
Please post this in the 'Rate My Mix/Tone' Section.
thanks dude! Im still not 100% happy with it but its taken me a while to get anything I even slightly like on the axe.
sounds a bit dull but the midrange is definitely there and it's pretty bouncy, try some boosts in the following area 2khz, 4.5khz and 7-8khz for air.

What I actually find with the Axe-Fx/the general way I approach guitars is not too track them with too much presence...i.e make them a little bit dull and then use that as like headroom for your overall presence. I find high-shelving on the e.q at 2Khz about 1-2dB very useful in providing attack, with necessary low-pass applied around 12k! Whatever works best for you though.

Also, try using the built-in impulses they're actually pretty damn good! or learn how to load your friends impulse onto your axe-fx on the axe-fx wiki!