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Where Lost Souls Travel
Feb 19, 2002
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So, this years´ Wacken has ended, and I must tell you guys how much it rocked...

First of all, some great bands were there this year.. My personal favorites were:
Immortal, Hollenthon, Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Kalmah, Borknagar, Children Of Bodom, Mörk Gryning, Haggard, Primordial, Warlord etc etc...
... and simply all the bands ruled! Especially Immortal & Cannibal Corpse.

The only problem was this/these(?) fucking german(s) named "Onkel Tom" played so fucking loud nearby when Haggard was on-stage, so the beauty of their fantastic metal was decreased quite a bit, because of this amateury german humor crap! (No offence Germans!). This didn´t affect Haggard themselves nor the crowd though. It just pisses me off!!!

Second; the mood on the camp-area were amazing... No fights & no drugs... Just beers, weed & metal! People are there to celebrate metal and to have fun with eachother, and damn... That was really funny being there. We also met guys all the way from Australia and Canada (WOA is in Germany), and if that isn´t true metal -to travel that far, nothing is! The canadian guy did in fact went by himself! Damn!

Anyways, of corpse we destroyed our camp, and made some fire so that the firemen had something to do... But only our own stuff!

Folks; Wacken rules, and I can recommend it to every metalhead out there who hasn´t been there already, because Wacken is the very essence of metal...

Yes, you're right. It is Tom Angelripper from Sodom. But you guys seem not to understand it. Last year Sodom was the last act on W:O:A. The year before it was Onkel Tom. He is in Germany something like Chuck in the USA. I think it is a matter of taste to decide between Haggard and Onkel Tom. I prefer Tommy. I met him once and had the opportunity to talk to him and he is a very cool guy.
Don't you ever, EVER compare Onkel Tom with Chuck Schuldiner again!

And yeah, we did have fun there :)
Yeah. Wacken is the shit to say the least.
I managed to see 2 bands. It´s hard being a rockstar down there with beers everywhere. You tend to miss out on most bands.
But I am not complaining.
E-heh? 2 bands? Wow I thought the 10 bands I saw were a poor thing already... ;)
But why do you drink so much then, you can drink all year, you wouldn't have to spend 55Euros just to be pissdrunk in the DRK-tents with a 2 day-hangover...
Amon Amarth indeed was a killer gig...
But CoB was good, too, as well as Kreator. But Kreator's singer was just so dumb... ahh I've never heard anoouncements as dumb as his. Jeeeez...
Hah! I almost forgot In Extremo! Their gig was really cool!
It wasn´t the german authorities, but americas. He said that America sucked when it came to that, and then they played a song from it anyways saying "This is for all of our enemies"!

Pretty fucking cool...
I doubt that the american government could have any influence about CC playing anything at Wacken...
Oh plsss.. tell me everything about Mörk Gryning. I was late from their show.. :cry:

Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
So, this years´ Wacken has ended, and I must tell you guys how much it rocked...

First of all, some great bands were there this year.. My personal favorites were:
Immortal, Hollenthon, Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Kalmah, Borknagar, Children Of Bodom, Mörk Gryning, Haggard, Primordial, Warlord etc etc...
... and simply all the bands ruled! Especially Immortal & Cannibal Corpse.

Wacken is the metalfest to end all metalfests. Sex Drugs and metal Baby!

Next year we get there tuesday. That would be cool.

Amon Amarth were fucking excellent, as were immortal and hypocrisy. Too much widdelly diddley power metal though, but hey, it is germany :)

Worst moment: listening to JBO(WTF?????????) vs In Extremo and realising that it was vision of musical hell......

Best Moment: the rest. Every single day. Fuck yes!
hehe... annoying...
i wonder what he`s going to say in Hungary in a few months...

Originally posted by Arcaria

blind guardian sucked, though, didn't they ? i'd seen them live in düsseldorf a couple of months before wacken and they did the exact same show there ! announcements included ! and the singer was out of key a lot ...