Back in history, lunar strain

A question for the people that don't like Lunar strain;

Would you like it if it had Anders as vocalist?

I don't think it would make that much difference, but I guess we'll never know.

Considering that at the time Anders sounded exactly like Mikael (see Skydancer), it wouldn't have made a difference...

Gotta disagree there man, I don't think they sound alike. Alone and Alone '94, clear difference in vocalist there (Stanne sounds better).

A question to all the The jester race lovers:

What's some awesome about it?


Other than the hyponitising dual guitar melodies, haunting acoustics, beautiful lyrics, pure headbanging passages, sweet touches of folk melody and pure fast fuckin melodeath.... eh, guess there isn't that much to like about it.
Yeah, I guess... Anders' voice sounds more forlorn, almost like a wailing spirit or something, whereas Stanne just sounds like a pissed off muthafucka :D
Ok, i've been listening to the jester race a few more times, still i don't conside this as In flames best album, neither an melodic death metal classic, but the best in flames album with Anders as vocalist. :)

it is undeniable a melodic death metal classic.