Lunar Strain


T-369 days
Jan 11, 2002
My kingdom, desolate
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I don't know if anyone has pointed this out before (knowing my luck this is so common its almost spam :p), but I picked up Lunar Strain today (In Flames), and it sounds like someone just forgot to put it on Of Chaos... or Skydancer :o ..... I mean, I realize Stanne wrote the lyrics and Friden sang them (as with Skydancer and Chaos), but the entire sound is essentially the exact same........

~Kovenant (doesn't know exactly why he posted this....)
I just picked up the lunar strain-subterranean. From what i hear it sounds like Stanne is doing the vocals for luner's songs. Which is no surprise that i like this in flames :rock: . It is sad Stanne is not singing for in flames but it is a blessing he is the lead in Dark Tranquillity.
Originally posted by Kovenant84
I don't know if anyone has pointed this out before (knowing my luck this is so common its almost spam :p), but I picked up Lunar Strain today (In Flames), and it sounds like someone just forgot to put it on Of Chaos... or Skydancer :o ..... I mean, I realize Stanne wrote the lyrics and Friden sang them (as with Skydancer and Chaos), but the entire sound is essentially the exact same........

Anders didn't sing in Lunar Strain...
Stanne did the lyrics and vocals for Lunar Strain. Henke Forss did them for Subterranean. Fridén came into In Flames after Subterranean.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Ill say it for the 10000000 time: Inflames is nothing but a DT side-project. It begun that way, it grew without fundations, and is heading towards its mainstream doom.

DT side project???:lol: :lol: That's the funniest thing I ever heard!!!
I agree that in early age dt and if were sort of "cousin" bands (yet there are anyway some differences between the ways OCaEN and LS sound, and they're not small at all)and they both created great masterpieces, but I don't think this is enough to define if as a "side project" :) I quite agree on the mainstream doom, though, and it makes me so sad, thinking how great their first three albums were :cry:

Just as an info... recently, Lunar Strain and Subterranean were reprinted with a bonus track called, if I'm not mistaken, the Inborn Lifeless. I d/l-ed it a loong time ago, and I liked it (iirc, it's some sort of twin song to "dead god in me", though I doubt it's got lyrics by Niklas *sigh*). can anyone tell me who makes the vocals in it? It doesn't seem Friden to me...

(and yes, I definitely _don't_ like Friden's recent style-evolutions, starting from Colony) :rolleyes:

Alfred (od and weathered)
Originally posted by phyre
Did some research and found out he is most likely (there are not that many Per Gyllenbäcks who are involved in Swedish metal) the ex-vocalist and lyricist for the death metal band Deranged.

EDIT: Also it seems he's the owner of our favourite label Regain Records.
Aye Phyre! As far as I know this info is correct! And Regain used to be Wrong Again Records, Wrong Again split up into WAR music and Regain Records, where Regain got the rights to the Wrong Again releases it seems, judging the recent re-issues of old Wrong Again releases (first Arch Enemy, first Eucharist, In Flames Lunar Strain/Subt.) on Regain.

Phyre, you already found that site where I got my avatar??!

EDIT: this is my 100th post, what do I win??!!! :grin:
Originally posted by MadTinus
EDIT: this is my 100th post, what do I win??!!! :grin:
Since right now your post counter says '102', I'd venture 'two posts for free', as an answer :grin:

Alfred (why do all these places hold us?)
Originally posted by phyre
Anyway... Regain really is great. They keep the tradition of the old Wrong Again, releasing real quality metal (the new Dimension Zero, etc) as well as re-releasing our old Wrong Again favourites (Eucharist, In Flames, Naglfar, etc... I have a Subterranean vinyl limited to 1000 on Regain :)) WITHOUT fucking up the artwork (hello Nuclear Blast!)
I agree! Got the Subterranean picture vinyl too by the way, very cool release indeed!