Back to being Bryant...... Tad Morose


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Well friends........... I have the pleasure of speaking to all of you here in this most enduring and intelligent of all forums....... the OMOS. All of you should be proud to be involved in such an organization that is guided by our moderator, MR. "Brother Vern." AKA Wyvern aka Rolando. He is a champion !! We love him right ? Let's give a Hell yaeh !! to Wyvern when you reply yo this one.

Tad Morose....... what can I say ? If you don't own "Modus Vivendi" then I suggest you buy. If you do own it, then please play "Take On the World" and then tell me how great it sounds.

If enough people listen to it, Urban might have to buy me beer, but I doubt that will happen.

I should ban Tad Morose threads on this forum :p, you´re driving us nuts. Bryant you rule!

P.S. And it's UMOS not OMOS (and surely hot HOMOS or HUMOS :lol:)
Given the fact I´ve never took part in any Tad Morose thread her :lol: I´ll give my opinion.

They´re great!!!! :rock::rock::rock:

An amazing band I discovered with "Undead" album (my favourite). I´d say they´re a kind of European Nevermore with an obscure and enchanting touch. Urban Breed was the real deal. What a singer!

"Matters of the dark" isn´t as good as "Undead" but with "modus vivendi" the got the "key" again. Not only "Take on the world" but "Anubis" "no mercy" or excellent "mother Shipton´s words".

Then, I bought their first three albums and aren´t bad but far from "Undead" or "Modus vivendi".

I´ve always been curious since joe Comeau is in the band on how the would sound with former Annihilator singer (I love "Carnival diablos") but it seems new Tad Morose album is a neverending story.
Barlow quit to join IE full time? Now I may check Pyramaze again then.

Yep, Barlow is already back with IE.
Pyramazes "Immortal" (w/ Barlow) was just released, but Barlows move back was done sometime ago and Pyramaze have been auditioning many singers since then.
A funny thing is, on the Pyramaze forums-Urbans name has been frequently mentioned as the possible new singer...and low and behold, they just announced Urban.

Urban is one of my fave metal singers and he is joining a very talented group of guys in Pyramaze, who (along with Communic) are my fave fairly new metal bands(s) these days. I don't know if it matters, but both Matt and Lance being from the USA, did all thier recording in the States and everything was processed uploaded and sent to the band in Denmark. This process worked but I believe it was tenuous and difficult at times and maybe the reason both Matt and Lance did not workout longterm? Urban is close by from Sweden, I'm sure it'll make the recording process easier and hope he is in the band for the long term?

Pyramaze have had Lance King and Matt Barlow in the past, two great but different style metal singers who equally sounded great in the band. Urbans style is right in the middle-almost a combination of both Lance and Matts voice...he should fit perfectly with Pyramaze and definitely worth checking out.
Yep.... I saw the Pyramaze announcement yesterday. It was kept quiet on Urban's forum.... hell Urban's forum has been quiet for a while anyway. That is great news though. I don't know how Urban is going to manage fronting three bands, but I guess we will see.
While I certainly don't consider Barlow and King (former Pyramaze vocalists) "legendary," they are quite well respected and would be a tough act to follow under normal situations, but Pyramaze is about to enter a different era. Urban is in a class of very few vocalists, both live and in the studio.
Hey.... Brother Vern... there was a method to my madness with The Tad Morose post timing eh ?

Urban has more or less two residences. His wife lives in Atlanta Georgia (USA) and he, of course in Hälsingland Sweden. He does what he can. He will kick ass with this band.


I don't know if it matters, but both Matt and Lance being from the USA, did all thier recording in the States and everything was processed uploaded and sent to the band in Denmark. This process worked but I believe it was tenuous and difficult at times and maybe the reason both Matt and Lance did not workout longterm? Urban is close by from Sweden, I'm sure it'll make the recording process easier and hope he is in the band for the long term?
I agree,"Immortal" is a great album! Barlow did a fantastic job on this record, I don't think he has ever sounded better.

Urban does have some other projects going on as does some other guys in Pyramaze. Though, according to the Pyra-forums...all members have Pyramaze as thier main band and Urban is full-on in with the band. They have announced some shows in Denmark this fall that will debut and feature Urban. However, Pyramaze does not do much touring and usually play only a few select shows or festivals.

Urbans time with Pyramaze will probably be spent just mainly in the studio, allowing him to continue other projects, touring, etc if he chooses? I truly hope in the end this unit stays together for a long time and expands on thier touring schedule. I can't wait to hear what Pyramaze puts out next and thrilled Urban will be part of it.
While I certainly don't consider Barlow and King (former Pyramaze vocalists) "legendary," they are quite well respected and would be a tough act to follow under normal situations, but Pyramaze is about to enter a different era. Urban is in a class of very few vocalists, both live and in the studio.

Well, its tough to put the "legendary" tag on singers let alone any of these three, even as good as they are?

Urban is probably my favorite (style) of the three, but I would probably put them all in the same class. I am huge fans of Matt and Lance and thier efforts with Pyramaze were outstanding and those albums will be hard to match. "Legend Of The Bone Carver" may just be the best CD this band will ever release when all is said and done. "Immortal" will take some more listens...but could even challenge "LOTBC"? Bottom line, Mike Kammeyers writing continues to grow and amaze, as do the other players. Together with Urban...the sky is the limit IMO.