

Jan 6, 2005
Hi folks!

Finally I decided to return to this forum. First I have to say that it is nice to see that some old faces like tyra, PaganBlood, PaganThunder, CeltikMilitia, Tranquillian are still around here.
I went away because I had to clarify some important personal things. I grew up physically, psychologically and I my musical horizon enhanced a lil bit - but I am still loving AA!
For all dont know me - I am kind of a nice german guy :lol: Now nineteen years old (wow I think I was 17 at my last post here) and happy to be back^^
Hoping for some posts/questions here, thx.

P.S Is Tomasz still posting here?
welcome back!! not that i know you haha.. Ive posted here once or twice before over the years, but seeing as I know a bunch of regulars here in real life (like Vaughan and Gaz) I decided to start coming more often, so get used to me! :p
.......and welcome back Blutaar, all of us take breaks as such.

lazy? what are you on about, I am a working man, spent the entire weekend working on my '63 VW ;)

here's a proof

Welcome back man long time no chat. Yeah Tomasz is still here. Just a little lazy