backing vocal tracks?


Oct 4, 2007
Hey guys,

Obviously I am new here and just attended the last progpower which was a blast. My question has to do with the DVD's I got from pp 7 and 8. Some of the bands like Vision Divine and After Forever (but especially Vision Divine)...well the singer goes to the chorus and all of sudden it sounds like the CD with multilayered vocals and no one is singing backup. So, is this common practice at PP? And how difficult is it to sync a backing vocal track with a live performance?

This is not intended to be a flame, it just has me curious.
Not that difficult if you have a keyboardist.

Some bands do pipe in the chorus or layered vocals, but most don't. But also, for DVD sometimes they add these things in, especially if the band performs the mixing.
I don't see it as "cheating" or bad for a live setting...just like adding samples or something that would pretty much be impossible in a live setting.

The only time I would see it as bad is if a song is a duet or something, and then it's just....awkward.
I don't see it as "cheating" or bad for a live setting...just like adding samples or something that would pretty much be impossible in a live setting.

The only time I would see it as bad is if a song is a duet or something, and then it's just....awkward.

What if it's a duet with an animated cat ala Paula Abdul?

and yes, when I saw her live when I was like 12 that was how they did it.
It's not just at ProgPower. Many bands who come to the US use pre-recorded tracks. It's impractical for bands that use a lot of symphony or choir harmonies to bring a full accompaniment on tour. Therion tried it a couple of times, and lost so much money they've given up on the US.
I've seen some bands who use a keyboard in the studio not to have one when they play live and use a pre-recorded track. I think Primal Fear was one of these who played at the PP USA (and at Jaxx) where I saw this happen. Doesn't surprise me that much. My guess is that their keyboardist was a session musician or couldn't come to the US for whatever reason and they just used a pre-recorded track.
Not that difficult if you have a keyboardist.

Some bands do pipe in the chorus or layered vocals, but most don't. .

Thank god. As an aside, I don't mind a little "extra" here and there, but some bands (not necessarily at PP, just in general) take this to the extreme. If I wanted to hear the damned CD, I'd stay home. If you can't come close to reproducing it live, I'd rather you didn't even try.

Rhapsody Of Fire is one that heavily relies on piped in music,vocals, etc. in a live performance. It boarders on what Shaye has described but it was still great seeing them live.
Thank god. As an aside, I don't mind a little "extra" here and there, but some bands (not necessarily at PP, just in general) take this to the extreme. If I wanted to hear the damned CD, I'd stay home. If you can't come close to reproducing it live, I'd rather you didn't even try.


Thanks for saying this, Shaye. Last time I questioned this and gave my similar opinion, I got flamed beyond belief as it seems most folks think it is ok.
It just makes me respect Rush so much more, they've always said they would never record a song that they couldn't reproduce live.
This is why Circus Maximus is one of the best bands to ever grace the PP stage! As far as I can tell, they don't pipe in any pre-recorded vocals and still manage to sound spot on!

Thanks for saying this, Shaye. Last time I questioned this and gave my similar opinion, I got flamed beyond belief as it seems most folks think it is ok.

Well, they're idiots. :lol:

Seriously, though, that surprises me that anyone would flame you over what I'd think would be the prevailing opinion. It goes against what live music is all about in my opinion.

Basically, it's a problem for me when I can *tell* they're using recorded vocals, guitars, etc. (keyboard samples are obvious but a totally different thing IMO), so it's entirely possible there are a ton of bands who use a little bit of pre-recorded vox or whatever that I just don't really notice.