
eh, its all miscontrued. Like Jimi Hendrix does not say "excuse me while I kiss the sky" instead he says "excuse me, while i kiss this guy." Not backwards, but weird anyways.

"turn me on dead man."
I think it was Bill Hicks who said, "If you play your New Kids On The Block records backwards, they sound better."

I'm sure I've posted that quote before, but it's still funny.
I played some Limp Bizkit backwards -

where it was, before, backwards shit,

it suddenly became:

shit played backwards.

Look up "Paul is dead" on and go from there. There is a site that has all samples form the Beatles, Pokemon, Led Zep, Brentney Spears, sorry, Britney Spears etc. Apparently John Lennon came up with this idea while on LSD. I read the book "Turn Me On Dead Man" about 4 months ago. As much crap as it is, bloody good read. Check it out if you can find it.
What? No one's mentioned the backwards message on Pink Floyd's The Wall yet? I don't remember exactly which cut it's on or the exact words, but you can hear Waters saying something like, "Congratulations, you have found the secret message."

Let's also not forget Motorhead on "Nightmare / The Dreamtime" off 1916. I think Lemmy opens up the song saying "The messiah is a loser." No shit.
dailyvault said:
What? No one's mentioned the backwards message on Pink Floyd's The Wall yet? I don't remember exactly which cut it's on or the exact words, but you can hear Waters saying something like, "Congratulations, you have found the secret message."

Let's also not forget Motorhead on "Nightmare / The Dreamtime" off 1916. I think Lemmy opens up the song saying "The messiah is a loser." No shit.

Yeah i heard that Pink Flyod one. That's what it says.

On Queen's "Another one bites the dust", it says "It's fun to smoke Marijuana".
if you think that backmasking is bad then look at subliminal messaging!

(at the start of fight club if you pause it in the right place there is a fat naked guy!)
with out reading the lyrics of the supposed backward masking it sounded like a bunch of mush to me. after reading the backwards lyrics i have concluded that it's a bunch of bullshit. the ones that are deliberate are cool. the ones that are so implied are just that.

overkill has one at the end of one of their albums. something like "there is no message here. you just ruined your record needle asshole"

their also is one on cheap tricks heaven tonight album. if the track is slowed down you can hear some one reading the "our father" or something in the back ground

the pink floyd one is "you just discovered our secret message, send a s.a.e. to pink po box......"
Overkill - at the very end of the Feel The Fire album, a few seconds after the song Overkill, he says "There's no message here. You're going to ruin your needle, a**hole!"

The example often quoted is the Floyd backmasking in Empty Spaces, which for clarification from the other comments, contains this amusing message just before the lyrics start:

"Congratulations! You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Charlesfort."

Cheap Trick's "How Are You?" includes a female reciting the Lord's Prayer on a tape being rewound at high speed in the right channel.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
eh, its all miscontrued. Like Jimi Hendrix does not say "excuse me while I kiss the sky" instead he says "excuse me, while i kiss this guy." Not backwards, but weird anyways.

"turn me on dead man."
"There's a bathroom on the right"