Bad News For Akercocke Fans...


May 31, 2005
The bassist, Peter Theobalds, released this as a bulletin on myspace.

"It’s been possibly the most difficult decision in my life to make but after 10 years of the beast that Akercocke has become, I have decided to pack up my four strings and hit the highway in search of new adventures. My reasons are many and varied but the principal factor has been that the original vibe that drove me to play has gone. The fun, the utter immersion of the music and friendship and the camaraderie has been slowly eroding for me, personally, over the last year or so.
The Ak has given me so many unforgettable moments and brought me into contact with some amazing human beings and situations and I shall sincerely miss all of those aspects. But my heart tells me its time to seek other ideals and situations…I will NOT be giving up music however and will continue to bash out some form of pseudo metallic noise, until chronic rheumatoid arthritis turns my hands into claws or Alzheimer’s finally puts paid to what little common sense I currently possess.
Massive massive respect to all those people that have been so unbelievably supportive and encouraging: - my family, the fans, the crews, the bands and other random maniacs that have been there for me all the way. I’d love to do a thank you list but it would just be so long and I’d inevitably forget someone and get branded a total cunt (again), so I’ll just say that I raise a glass to all of your honour!

See you in the pit dear fiends.



Sad new indeed. But hey.. I wish him well him is future projects! :kickass:
I'm sure it will, and i'm sure it'll cope, musically, without peter. But tbh, he was the best member of the band. The sociable one, the funny one, the mouthpiece for the band. I think it's sad because he obviously felt it was best to leave - i didn't make the decision to leave my last band lightly.. A band that achieved very little.. So leaving a band with the status Akercocke has must really have been a hard and disheartening decision.

I guess all that can be done is to show our respect and watch out for his future work.
lol, do they change their lineup for every bloody album?

erk, this wrecks the chances of Akercocke touring USA in the near future, better find anothor bassplayer fast.
I didn't knew there was a band called "Akercocke", so when I saw this thread, I first thougth "Akercocke" was supposed to be some insult name for Akerfeldt lol
i believe matt wilcock is actually responsible for the more interesting arrangements and parts of latter akercocke.basiclly, the bassist is hardly much part of it as theres far better ones out there.

Most of the material for Words was written by/with paul scanlan whilst he was still a member of the band, and to be quite honest.. I doubt Willcock has it in him to write anything particularly interesting.. Well depends on what you consider interesting.. But lets just say - the solo for Seraphs and Silence is an example of his contribution..

Gray is indeed the biggest contributor lyrically, but Mendonça has written his fair share of the lyrics.

Peter just had an amazing amount of energy, was friendly and sociable as hell.. Not an ounce of ego to him. Of coure he is totally replaceable, as they've already found someone to fill in for him, but he will be sorely missed by many.
The reason I liked Peter was the DVD.

Question: "How far would you go for Satan?"

David's Answer: "Ohhhh... Everything I do.... is for Satan *creams pants*"

Peter's Answer: "Erm... about as far as the M5."

Gotta love the contrast lol.
did you watch the dvd? It demonstrated his creativity in that.. and some gay wankery solos. but thats not the point.

I own the DVD .. Just has his jamming out the lame wanky solo crap - he probably only contributed to thrashy moments.. Rather than the more progressive and innovative moments. I swear it shows him doing the same solo a few times.. The Davod Gray solo is pretty sexy, and the vocals bit for Jason is impressive/kinda funny.