BAD riffs

I don't like Tesament. Or Kreators. Or Sodom. Anybody want to throw some classic thrash bands at me so I can say they're shit? God I hate Demolition Hammer.

Are you gay?:err:

Nah I'm kidding, but seriously do you not like them or have you just not gotten into them?

I love "Souls of Black", the bass is badass, but thats about the extent of my knowledge. Well, that, "The Ritual", "More Than Meets the Eye" and "Into the Pit", but I heard a few songs with Billy's "Death Growl" and was totally turned off.

Willing to hold off judgement until hearing a full album though.
I would recommend you go to youtube and listen to Over the Wall (pay attention to the brilliant solo section in the middle), then Apocalyptic City.
Then jump to Sins of Omission from Practice... Then P.C. from Low, Eyes of Wrath from The Gathering and from the same album 3 Days of Darkness.

If you don't find anything interesting about them, you can pass.
I love "Souls of Black", the bass is badass, but thats about the extent of my knowledge. Well, that, "The Ritual", "More Than Meets the Eye" and "Into the Pit", but I heard a few songs with Billy's "Death Growl" and was totally turned off.

Willing to hold off judgement until hearing a full album though.

Ah yeah you're not a death growl fan. To be honest I'm not either, but Chuck does it very well. And its really only on the one album, Demonic, that he does it with any seriousness. He doesn't do it at all on the earlier albums so you should be safe enough with them.


The Legacy
The New Order
Practice What You Preach
Souls Of Black
The Ritual

And seeing as you know of Souls and The Ritual I can highly recommend the other three. Vic's selection of songs there^ is a good starter for you. I'm sure we've told you this before.:lol:
Yeah I know, but if I listen to them, then I'll want to buy them, and at the moment I has no moneez.