Band criticism


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
Ok a band I recorded a demo for a few months back against my advice decided to go on the local rock radio show that has a segment called "bad ass or suck ass" where they play a song from a local band and callers call in and give their opinions on the band. I gave them minimal production for $300 for 5 songs, and I told them if they are trying to release this as a final production then they're gonna be disappointed. Well they were brutalized on the show this morning. Not about the production but about the singers voice and their style. I feel bad for those guys because they're not bad musicians. I told them to take the criticism and learn from it and next time don't go cheap on your music production. Your thoughts?
I think you handled it correctly.

I've dealt with plenty of bad arrangements/songs/bands, and I can tell you, as long as the production is there what can you do (though this gets tricky when the song sucks, because more often than not your production suffers too!)? Perhaps try to be more stern on the tracking process/writing process (be a producer if that's what they wanted).

In the end, people need to hear the truth. If they are truly passionate, they will try to improve themselves and take the criticism as a motivator to get better. If they are a waste of time, they will hide under some false illusion that they are good musicians and continue to go nowhere (providing that's their intention).

Also, what kind of radio station is this? Did you play a death metal song on a radio rock station? If that's true, of course people are going to phone in and say the song is shit. A lot of old folks don't like any screaming at all.
I think you handled it correctly.

I've dealt with plenty of bad arrangements/songs/bands, and I can tell you, as long as the production is there what can you do (though this gets tricky when the song sucks, because more often than not your production suffers too!)? Perhaps try to be more stern on the tracking process/writing process (be a producer if that's what they wanted).

In the end, people need to hear the truth. If they are truly passionate, they will try to improve themselves and take the criticism as a motivator to get better. If they are a waste of time, they will hide under some false illusion that they are good musicians and continue to go nowhere (providing that's their intention).

Also, what kind of radio station is this? Did you play a death metal song on a radio rock station? If that's true, of course people are going to phone in and say the song is shit. A lot of old folks don't like any screaming at all.
It's a rock station, I basically told them exactly that, they have to learn from this. A lot of bands get great support from friends and most friends aren't gonna tell you that you suck. But besides that I told not to put it on the radio because it was only a demo and it wasn't mastered, but in reality I was trying to protect my rep as a recording engineer. but luckily the bad comments were about the song and the singer and not the production.
I too would love to hear the recording. Also, What MoTang said, it could actually be pretty good for what it is material and budget-wise and most people would not get it. Play Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, or Pig Destroyer for all but the most adventurous music listeners and it will not be met with applause despite the overwhelming awesome. Some of my favorite reviews for music I have made over the years have been the hilariously negative ones. Indifference is truly the worst.
Honestly, it's really disappointing to hear the band didn't listen to you, though unsurprising too.

Yeah, I'm honestly itching to hear the band too.

I'd imagine a bunch of people who are passionate enough to post on an internet forum about metal production would be pretty suitable candidates for judgement. Rock stations are always a mixed bag, my local free rock station plays the most laid back old school rock with a couple nu metal songs thrown in here and there. Mostly old guys listen to it, and I can tell you that if Thy Art is Murder was playing on the station many guys would come phone in and complain, even though a lot of metalheads love the band.

Here's a better question. Do you think the band is trash?
When I saw this post I think I was able to find the band looking for scorpio's posts. If it was the same band, indeed the singer was a problem area. Probably a good reality check. Hard to get better if everyone around you just saying how great you are.

In this case, I think the radio guys might have been right on about the singer but the band has to not take it too seriously. Anyone can trash anyone with no accountability really. Music is so subjective it's hard to really stake stock in reviews.
Yeah the singer definitely needs work, I try my best when recording bands not to get emotionally connected with because once the recording is done and I'm paid, that should be it. But I don't think anyone of us here can honestly say, they don't worry about how listeners feel about your production.