Is it me, or is there sudden plague of trolls recently?

This thread is dumb. Wipe the fucking sand out of your vagina, put another tampon in and shut the fuck up. Forum is fine, if you don't like it GTFO. Nobody is making you be here.

There is no "better." You want to check out a heavily modded forum, go check out gamespot. You can't even suggest someone is a douchebag without a banning. FUCK THAT.

Besides a search of threads that were happening 5-6 year ago reveals all of you at one point asked a fucking dumb question.

JESUS CHRIST Loren what the fuck is your fixation with sand in vaginas??? for Sneap's sake I swear on every thread lately your only input is "rub the sand out of your vaginas" IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY ANYMORE K THX LOL
The forum is what you choose to make it guys! There's been quite a bit of cool stuff lately, I.E. the Dio tribute, Felix's "Darktower", the reamp contest, Armadillos, etc, etc.

I haven't posted any 'how to' guides lately, but I am working on a series of instructional videos. You can be sure they will be posted here. Right now, I'm just waiting for my Glidecam to come in, then I'll be shooting a truckload of footage.


SO looking forward to it Glenn :kickass:
you guys keep forgetting one thing.
this is ANDY's forum.
I am aware that I'm not discussing publically each thread I lock, person I ban etc.
But you can be certain that I'm in contact with Andy about stuff like that, it's HIS forum, he decides.
If you go to his house/studio with 20 friends pissing on the carpet he's gonna kick you out, it's his right, he doesn't have to tell you why, have a vote about it or anything.
If that wouldn't be the case it would soon not be HIS house anymore but just a place where punks meet and piss on the carpet.
Andy doesn't have the time to monitor his place 24/7, so it's me and Brett helping him, but as I said earlier, we ARE in contact with him about how this has to be done, and after all it's HIS decision.
it's just not possible to discuss every single decision (about banning, closing threads etc) with every forum member, so you might end up finding a thread locked without knowing why...but that's just how the system works, this forum has grown to be rather big lately and it's just not possible to have democratic votes for every single forum decision, not every member can (or should) be a mod.
I actually think way more people should be banned (so does Andy btw).

we could perhaps ask andy if we could all storm his studio and then when he's kicking some of the punks out (or is having them kicked out) we'll all complain "why can't we decide who's allowed to piss on your carpet and who isn't??!!?"

Perhaps you're right, perhaps this forum has grown too big to "just" be the sneap forum, perhaps it is time to re-name it and have everyone moderate everything, talk about stealing music and pod presets all day long, accepting every douchetard in our community, perhaps it's really not realistic anymore to try keep this forum a small interesting community.
perhaps it IS time to make that step, but I know that that'll be the day I won't return to this forum.
til then I'll try to keep at least the biggest troublemakers in check.

FYI I've banned 3 people in the past 3 months and locked 3-4 threads in the same time, whoever thinks that's too many should move his hippie ass over to HCAF...
cause I honestly think it wasn't enough.

And there will be people complaining either way, some will say it's moderated too nazi-esque, some will say it needs more moderation.
I think the ones who say the latter are usually the ones participating in this forum with stuff that's actually useful for audio production.

And to the original post: Yes, there are many trolls lately and it's OUR fault, those trolls usually do not frequent the equipment and production tips sections but mainly the OT section.
I do appreciate the funny threads and the tits threads, but I think that should be the smallest part of the forum, not the biggest.

I try to arrange my posts accordingly, meaning I try to post like 4-5 times as much in the "important" sections as in the OT, cause I think the other sections should be 4-5 times as big as the OT.

there are people on this board posting 90% of their posts in the OT section...and some of them are complaining about the forum going downhill, some of them even in this thread....start thinking!
It's YOUR posts that lure the trolls to this place, only your posting behaviour can change that, no amount of modding can do that (other than decreasing the size of the OT section dramatically by deleting 80% of the threads).

Some of you are not participating to this forum in any other way but by posting tits and videos about random shit (which are funny, I admit), but please stop complaining about the modding and trolls then, cause it's your fucking fault.
If you're not interested enough in audio production to have the majority of your posts in the other sections of the board YOU'RE COMING AND POSTING FOR THE WRONG REASONS.
This is not a "random banter"-board that happens to have some audio production info, this is ANDY SNEAPS board about audio production that happens to have some funny threads in the OT section.
Post accordingly and the forum will gain in quality.
And stop fucking complaining

to make it even clearer:
not everyone on this board s treated the same! To stay with the "Sneap's house" analogy: if you bring beer and cake, drink a red wine and come to discuss metal regularily you'll be able to get away with more (without being kicked out of the house) than a person who just comes to his house to eat from his fridge, drink his beer and pass out on his living room floor.

I'm with DanLights, heavier/stricter moderation is needed and will be done.
Agree on everything but

And to the original post: Yes, there are many trolls lately and it's OUR fault, those trolls usually do not frequent the equipment and production tips sections but mainly the OT section.
I do appreciate the funny threads and the tits threads, but I think that should be the smallest part of the forum, not the biggest.

Just looking at the names of users opening new threads, I think 'Production Tips' and 'Rate My Dick' subforums are the most troll infected. Usually people who wants presets, impulses and magic plugins. I rarely enter the 'Rate My Tone' subforum...

there are people on this board posting 90% of their posts in the OT section...and some of them are complaining about the forum going downhill, some of them even in this thread....start thinking!

When you've been some years on this forum and make some friends you like to have a place to share pics and talk bollocks. Most of the people on the Off Topic Tavern is fixed members, not trolls. This subforum is not the problem I think, there are good guys except for some bastard from time to time. I write a lot in Off Topic forum as many other good users of the forum...

That is my perception.
there is a german forum (lasse might know that one as well) where they divided the whole thing into :

- homerecording and
- pro


with a minimum of 500 posts or so you can start posting pro, before that you can only read and post in the homerecording section.
i like that approach, might work here as well. so you dont have to go through alll the "LECTO !"?!"?! / S2.0"" threads to find something useful.
just a thought.
I agree with this, and that's what the OT section is for.
But there are people posting pretty much ONLY in the OT section, what are they doing on a music production board?

But do you think that harmful trolls are in OT section? In any case, isn't it better to have trolls in a Off Topic section rather than Production Tips, Equipment, or Main Section?

And totally agree about moderating more strictely, specially "serious" sections.
Lasse, not trying to sound like I'm kissing ass here although some might read it that way ... I think you're doing just about as perfect a job moderating this place as can possibly be expected with mainly one person doing it. I also don't think you SHOULD have to explain your decisions with everyone in every situation. Its called an executive decision ... most of us already know that more often than not the choice to ban someone or lock a thread or whatever is being made with good reason and not always JUST by you. You already know what my thoughts on the whole subject are ... only additional moderators we need are ourselves. This forum is what we make of it and I agree with just about everything you said. I don't think we need more subforums, I don't think we actually need more moderators unless the CURRENT mods feel that there should be more and I don't think we should be looking to some kind of litmus test for posters ... I think we should all be interacting with each as much in the other parts of the forum as most do in the OT section. Granted a lot of things may be at a point where there isn't going to be some new fascinating piece of info or technique that gets posted everyday here, especially for the ones that have been a part of this community for a very long time. However, thats not to say that our time can't be used on here for just as much good by actually getting more involved with each other's work and learning. Anyway, I'm just rehashing the things I've already said in this thread several times and in several other threads as well.

with a minimum of 500 posts or so you can start posting pro, before that you can only read and post in the homerecording section.

I think that's a pretty silly idea. It implies that post count correlates to a person's level of professionalism.

What if a pro is coming to the forum for the first time? They're expected to make 500 useless posts in the home-rec forum, where they don't belong, nor want to be, before being invited to the 'big boys' club. Makes no sense.
I think that's a pretty silly idea. It implies that post count correlates to a person's level of professionalism.

What if a pro is coming to the forum for the first time? They're expected to make 500 useless posts in the home-rec forum, where they don't belong, nor want to be, before being invited to the 'big boys' club. Makes no sense.


better yet, use a proficiency test, like jobs and colleges do to make sure you know enough to be accepted/hired. Allow the noobie guys to read the pro subforums but not post until they have reached a certain number of posts. That way your rights to post on the pro forums are dictated more by your skill or what you know, and not just posts.
The forum is fine, the moderation is exemplary (and I've lurked many forums about many different matters). The noobs are ok, some of them sound quite good. Just use the famous quote "use the search button!" if the thread has already been covered or just ignore it.

Less whine, more rock!
I totally agree with Lasse, on every single word. Looking forward to heavier moderation, just a good "if you do this you're banned and if you didn't read this in the stickies before posting then you well deserve to be banned anyway" mentality will help clean the place up, and of course I trust Lasse is more than capable of this.
Got no issue with heavier moderation.

If we're going to entertain the idea of an 'exclusive club' for professional posters though, I think the best way is to create a pro-audio/high-end type sub-forum that is read-only for a majority of the userbase, and only those invited by the moderators are allowed to actually post there. This way if someone wants valid information that's coming from a reputed source, and isn't being obfuscated by a 15 year old going 'nooo your wrong, I can do that with a POD', they know where to go. This way everybody wins. The guys in the high-end that want to talk shop relevant to them, can, and those who want to learn from those discussions also can.

One of my major concerns is that sometimes gems of great information come up, but they get washed out by very inexperienced and vocal individuals contradicting the idea. Since there is no real way to filter information on the net, unless you know who the source is, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the information flow correct. Having a sub-forum where all the posters are screened and validated by those in charge (mods/admins) you can work against that, and those who come to learn core engineering principles can do so with less doubt in their minds about the validity of what they read.
Got no issue with heavier moderation.

If we're going to entertain the idea of an 'exclusive club' for professional posters though, I think the best way is to create a pro-audio/high-end type sub-forum that is read-only for a majority of the userbase, and only those invited by the moderators are allowed to actually post there. This way if someone wants valid information that's coming from a reputed source, and isn't being obfuscated by a 15 year old going 'nooo your wrong, I can do that with a POD', they know where to go. This way everybody wins. The guys in the high-end that want to talk shop relevant to them, can, and those who want to learn from those discussions also can.

One of my major concerns is that sometimes gems of great information come up, but they get washed out by very inexperienced and vocal individuals contradicting the idea. Since there is no real way to filter information on the net, unless you know who the source is, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the information flow correct. Having a sub-forum where all the posters are screened and validated by those in charge (mods/admins) you can work against that, and those who come to learn core engineering principles can do so with less doubt in their minds about the validity of what they read.
I like this idea.
I like the idea , even myself if I know I cannot post there, this could be a solution. Nazi, but I think it could be interesting.

But anyway, I'm for heavier moderation, 100%.

And I'm also for something else : heavier moderation of people ON THEMSELVES. Too many off topic posts in interesting threads. Makes reading difficult sometimes, I already try myself to restrain from posting useless posts and try to elaborate most of them. Or at least I'll be doing that from now. Everyone wins : posts are much more interesting, no waste of space on the webpage, not too many pages full of useless shit. Of course, a joke some time to time is cool, but too much is not.

Also, I would be interested in heavier thread lock but at one condition : the last posts should contain a link to an answer to the question.

Why ?

Cause when you are searching for something, and find 3914 results, only like 5% are relevant, and when you open one of the 95% restant, you don't have the answer since people are saying "use the search function".
If you post a link to the most relevant thread (we could have a list of the most relevant threads for most basic questions so that moderators would just have to pick them up here, or ourselves if we can answer before the moderators) it would be useful since if someone uses the search function he might have more chances to end finding what he is after, and will not have to post.
This should be done a way so that noobs wouldn't post thinking they will have immediate link to the answer which would be the bad effect of this behavior.
Also, renaming the useful threads so that they are easier to find could be interesting.

I don't know how moderation is done here, is there a way to count how much threads have been locked against a member ? So that if he has been asking 3 times something really too obvious (like "I want brutal tones / gearbox" or "will S2.0 improve the brootlz of my song?") he gets banned.
I like the idea , even myself if I know I cannot post there, this could be a solution. Nazi, but I think it could be interesting.

But anyway, I'm for heavier moderation, 100%.

And I'm also for something else : heavier moderation of people ON THEMSELVES. Too many off topic posts in interesting threads. Makes reading difficult sometimes, I already try myself to restrain from posting useless posts and try to elaborate most of them. Or at least I'll be doing that from now. Everyone wins : posts are much more interesting, no waste of space on the webpage, not too many pages full of useless shit. Of course, a joke some time to time is cool, but too much is not.

Also, I would be interested in heavier thread lock but at one condition : the last posts should contain a link to an answer to the question.

Why ?

Cause when you are searching for something, and find 3914 results, only like 5% are relevant, and when you open one of the 95% restant, you don't have the answer since people are saying "use the search function".
If you post a link to the most relevant thread (we could have a list of the most relevant threads for most basic questions so that moderators would just have to pick them up here, or ourselves if we can answer before the moderators) it would be useful since if someone uses the search function he might have more chances to end finding what he is after, and will not have to post.
This should be done a way so that noobs wouldn't post thinking they will have immediate link to the answer which would be the bad effect of this behavior.
Also, renaming the useful threads so that they are easier to find could be interesting.

I don't know how moderation is done here, is there a way to count how much threads have been locked against a member ? So that if he has been asking 3 times something really too obvious (like "I want brutal tones / gearbox" or "will S2.0 improve the brootlz of my song?") he gets banned.

I like this idea, although I would say 2 and you're out, fuck third chances.

About the other thing, I've seen many ubermoderated forums that give warnings to and delete every single offtopic post in a thread (unless in offtopic sections of course) and although this is obviously a good way to keep interesting threads interesting, I also like the humour here and sometimes the jokes are an important part of the atmosphere of this place, and I think saying "jokes from time to time is ok but not too much" is way too loose to make it an actual rule, risking that all of a sudden the unlucky one who does the "too much" part gets a warning/ban while the faster funnies pass through.

There could also be the "jokes are ok but no personal insults/snide remarks about someone or their work" rule which should be fine, but sometimes it might be hard to distinguish harmless joking between friends with actual namecalling. So this could be worked out by not taking into account insults that the insulted person doesn't report to a mod, but then the "crybaby" namecalling would come out. But really, if you call me a crybaby I'll report your ass
