Is it me, or is there sudden plague of trolls recently?

That may be so Chris, and you're kind to say, but please take note that the LeCto threads are getting the most hits out of anything on that sub-forum. It really tells you a lot about the majority demographic on this board. People want tools they can use to record their stuff for free, with minimal fuss, and quickest way to success. As appreciative as I am of those who take the time to comment in my threads, I understand that they are the minority, and it's frequently the same people recurring from thread to thread (once again, very appreciative of that). At the end of the day, having a pale imitation of a Rectifier at one's finger tips is much more important to a majority of people here than hearing... let's use the last thread for reference... Lasse's REAL Rackto reamps and asking how he got the tone, how I seated it in the mix, why I sat there blending 6 snares to get that sound... or how I managed to tweak up the room mics to fool one person into thinking there was reverb on the drums where in fact there is none.

The prosumer demographic is much stronger here than those aspiring to do genuine engineering. And that's fine, it's how you would expect it to go. It's mostly hobbyists with a few full-timers dotted around here and there. As a result, segregation on that basis would work perfectly, IMO.

PS. There is still stuff for me to learn on here, from time to time. Most recently Ola's tip for low-passing at 7kHz gave me the confidence to do something I've wanted to for ages. A bit further back C F H 13 really really helped me out by outlining some techniques used by one of my mixing idols. Things pop up here and there, and we all end up learning something. I'm certainly not at the end of my trip.
Skinny as far as taking things back, I really think the way to do that is just help the noobs. Even if its really something / someone you dont like. Just step up be genuine and say, "hey its not my thing, but if you added some this and that bla bla bla" things around this place would get a shit ton better and the trolls would start to diminish. Part of all the trolling around here is that most of us regulars troll one another regularly out of fun, and I think we all got stuck in that mentality.

I agree to an extent ... I've also been more active in trying to help people with less knowledge / experience ... not that I'm all that great at anything myself yet but I still try to be helpful. Of course I mainly do that when I see a post from a new guy that is genuinely asking how / why things work and showing that they're at least putting the same effort I've had to put in to learn this shit. Like I always say to the guys in my band "I'll never ask you to do things that I'm not willing to do myself" which unfortunately has resulted in me having to write & track basslines, drum parts, sing vocals I had no intention of etc ... but thats another story :p

My main point really is not so much the "new guys". As has been said already, its fairly easy to recognize a troll and usually just ignoring them does the trick... they go away, the thread dies quick and all is well. I guess what I'm saying also relates to another point you made and to an extent also something Drew mentioned. I feel like a lot of times I make the effort to post my thoughts and comments and suggestions in the RMM threads from the people I interact with frequently ... I just don't always get the same level of reciprocation from the same people. Not trying to point at anyone or make it sound like I feel "left out" .. just saying that a couple of the more popular people on here, I've made numerous comments in numerous posts and have almost never received any feedback from them on things I post in there. I agree, I'm sure a lot of it has to do with a certain level of feeling jaded on their parts, however it still gives the impression of being a bit one sided sometimes and it would just be nice if all of us who are constantly talking to each other on here and sharing laughs and all that stuff would put the same effort into actually listening to each other's works. If more time was spent in RMM doing that, not only would the so called "troll" threads die even quicker cause they're having no attention paid to them but subsequently the new guys on here would be forced into the threads that have some meaning and would probably benefit from the amount of info passed back and forth between the regulars on here. Questions may be answered before they need to be asked, and who knows ... maybe some of them would even try shit on their own after reading the stuff to see how it all works, THEN post a question (with a clip) to see if they're doing it right
I agree Ermz. As much as I would LOVE to get into production full time I just cant afford it at the moment. i am basically looking to get the most out of the gear I currently have. I don't mind dumping cash on stuff that's going to help me with my "hobby" (I almost said craft, but as I don't do this 100% professionally I chose a different word). Literally a year ago my gear was a M-Audio Fast Track USB and a set of Alesis M1 monitors now its prosumer level gear with my Saffire Pro 40 and my new shiny KRK's :)

I can relate to where these guys are coming from though with the "I want shit for free" mentality. Its just the nature of the internet generation. Everything is somewhere for free. Granted i blew a shit ton of cash on Waves plug-ins and their upgrades since I got them back in 2000, but the reason I got them in the first place is that I had heard they were the Golden Ticket into the world of being a "pro". I now know thats got nothing to do with it as I really dont even use 3/4 of the bundle I purchased

I think guys like, Skinny, Melb, Drew, and those of us on the prosumer / semi pro level need to instill the values back into these guys wanting everything for free. No matter how you slice it LeCto is not going to sound like a Recto no matter that impulses you put on it, but you also need to realize these bedroom warriors are out there in houses where they cant turn up an amp to "uber tone" levels and get kick ass results.

The long and short of it is that "The Andy Sneap" forum became the one place on the internet where there was a SHIT LOAD of great info. Word got out and now everyone is flocking here to try and absorb that info. The problem is they dont READ hat made the forum great. They are trying to get the same people that posted all this great material to give them tips on how they feel they need to do things.

I say we all vow to take 1 week starting tomorrow and help in any thread we feel we can. Lets refrain from posting hurr durr, 4chan shit for 1 week and lets see how much the vibe and input on the forum changes.

Whad'da ya say?
I just lose track of all the b.s in some of the sub forums. I like your shit, I should be checking it out more.

I lose track of things too ;)

Its tough sometimes ... like I felt bad the other day cause Marco is always leaving comments in the shit I post in there, and then I was looking through and saw a post / clip he left that had been there for several days. Probably wouldn't have seen it at all unless someone had bumped it. BUT! ... I made qa point to get my ass in on that thread, listen to his clip, and make some comments.

Thats all I'm saying ANY of us should be doing really. We're all over each other's shit in OT, why not take that level of interaction to RMM?
When you've been seeing the same clips & threads repeat over the course of 7 years man, trust me, you start to get a little weary. There are only so many times you want to go into a thread, listen, and repeat the same advice you've been giving for years all over again.

I imagine that's the deal with Andy. He's told us just about all he has to say. It's all documented and written down. Instead of proactively stalking him on AIM and demanding he listen and give specific advice to our work, we can simply just read his prior comments, apply them to our stuff as much as we can, listen, use some common sense, rinse and repeat. This is how many of us learned over the course of time. It's one of the reasons I made a production compendium (so I didn't have to keep repeating things, but could just direct people there) and intend to do some tutorials on various aspects of record production when I get some more time in the future.
I lose track of things too ;)

Its tough sometimes ... like I felt bad the other day cause Marco is always leaving comments in the shit I post in there, and then I was looking through and saw a post / clip he left that had been there for several days. Probably wouldn't have seen it at all unless someone had bumped it. BUT! ... I made qa point to get my ass in on that thread, listen to his clip, and make some comments.

Thats all I'm saying ANY of us should be doing really. We're all over each other's shit in OT, why not take that level of interaction to RMM?

lol dude please chill :lol:
I dont think it was that old and I'm also not online 24/7 ;)

Dont know how i'd feel about a seperated pro and nonpro RMM or something. doesn't seem like a bad idea, but somehow feels a bit "elitist" to me.
and its not like there are 20 new pages in the RMM everyday. not even 20 threads I think, and it doesnt take long to check them out even if you dont want to write something about a typical slatey/pod stuff.
and maybe you'll even find some music you like (there was an awesome thrash song with AT2 last week which put me into instant bang mode).

And btw: as cool as LeCto sounds, it hasnt helped or lowered my GASing for a real Recto :lol:
Guru. I agree whole heartedly,'i've been trying more and more to give useful advice and I'm glad I can and do. I will also be mixing a full length soon for a mate, so I will definitely put that up and see if I can give back by showing what I've learned over the last few years! This place had been great and helped mean lot. You may recall the bugera clip days haha. I've come a long way and learned a lot about WHY we do certain things and how they all interact. That's why I hate the pod/ slate stuff. I just don't see it helping me at all, because I like learning to real up close and personal approach.
I will definitely try my best to help bring positive change :)
I'm on Jason, Carlos, Marcus, Marco and Chris's side. I don't see separating the RMM as a solution, and is a bit douchebaggy I must say. The fact that someone uses a POD or Poulin's ampsims doesn't mean he's a troll or his music sucks or his tone sucks so bad it can't be helped. I'm sure many of the pro guys would find some music they would really like if they were checking out, but you just can't put on your thread title "Hey Murph you're gonna like this song!!" so of course it goes down to luck and to how willing is everybody to listen to everyone else's work.

I am not in any way demanding or saying that the pros should spend time on the RMM forum, it's not at all their "job" to do so, or anyone elses, and using murph is just an example. My point is simply the same stated by the awesome dudes who's names I mentioned earlier.

And jorge, you're awesome hahaha
No Dan, you're awesome! ;)

It's true though. These threads come up a lot but nothing ever gets done about it. The only thing I remember working is getting another mod.
I'm on Jason, Carlos, Marcus, Marco and Chris's side. I don't see separating the RMM as a solution, and is a bit douchebaggy I must say. The fact that someone uses a POD or Poulin's ampsims doesn't mean he's a troll or his music sucks or his tone sucks so bad it can't be helped. I'm sure many of the pro guys would find some music they would really like if they were checking out, but you just can't put on your thread title "Hey Murph you're gonna like this song!!" so of course it goes down to luck and to how willing is everybody to listen to everyone else's work.

Just in case there is any doubt, I'm part of that 'side' too! ;)

I don't think segregation by tech or by profession-level is a very good idea at all.
No Dan, you're awesome! ;)

It's true though. These threads come up a lot but nothing ever gets done about it. The only thing I remember working is getting another mod.

thats probably true for the most part but the thing to remember (I guess) is that its not up to any one person to change anything ... we all have to step up and do our part. THAT is the only way anything will actually get done

anything else would be, well, almost christian in a way ;)
Just in case there is any doubt, I'm part of that 'side' too! ;)

I don't think segregation by tech or by profession-level is a very good idea at all.

I'm on that side as well. There's no need for fucking Lasse to go all Wehrmacht on us. Just everyone chill. Try to avoid the troll posts, and help out the dudes looking for real advice. We're all "adults" haah at least civilized fuckin human beings let natural selection get rid of the shit and we don't have a problem.

Simple. These threads don't needa keep coming up.

This is like the beginning of "The Warriors" except without us shooting Cyrus.
about the getting a new mod thing, I personally think it would be cool if we have various mods. Not that Lasse doesn't do a great job at it, but I think if we have 4 or 5 mods preferably in different time zones (at least like America, Europe and Australia which are the biggest time differences) so stuff could get solved more quickly, and probably even having each guy monitoring a specific section (RMM, GFS, etc.)

what do you think about that?
^I think that's a good Idea. Most forums I'm familiar with do what you're describing. Problem is who. Lasse has done great job but obviously can't be around all the time. As far as other matters go, well the problem, it seems, is we all can't agree collectively.
about the getting a new mod thing, I personally think it would be cool if we have various mods. Not that Lasse doesn't do a great job at it, but I think if we have 4 or 5 mods preferably in different time zones (at least like America, Europe and Australia which are the biggest time differences) so stuff could get solved more quickly, and probably even having each guy monitoring a specific section (RMM, GFS, etc.)

Girls fucking sexy? I'd be monitoring that one 24/7 :lol:
(god was that bad :ill:)

I don't think that there will ever be the time that EVERYONE will be just avoiding threads that are noobish, sadly. there's always gonna be someone who has such usefull things to say as "and again there comes the noob /facepalm, let the killing beginn".
So the "easiest" way to help that would be as marcus said, lock the thread with a standard post a la "this question can be easily answered if you use the search function, heres the link to the sneap search, have a nice day & THERE IS NO MIRACLE PLUGIN!!!".
It would be great if those kind of things would work without it, but I doubt it.

would be quite a lot of work to moderate that though, and would need more guys to do so.

and thanks Tony, I'm SO gonna watch "The Warriors" this night :rock: