Is it me, or is there sudden plague of trolls recently?

Sure, i get you.

But what I'm seeing here is a bunch of guys bawling about "nobody is posting good, useful stuff anymore", which seems to be largely true.

What I'm saying is that the Off-Topic board has inflated to become the "main" part of the forum, with plenty of guys posting in it relentlessly, including some that I can honestly say I've never once seen them contribute anything even vaguely useful to the "real" forum. Their main interest is in posting inane bullshit.

My suggestion is that we put a lock on the Off-Topic temporarily, to see who actually sticks around and who was simply in it for the faggy pictures.

This forum is/was the very best resource on the internet (and arguably, on the planet) for learning about audio engineering. there are plenty of other sites out there for lolcats and auto-tune parodies, but there is only one Sneap Forum.

There's not a massive spill-over from the Off-Topic forum to the rest of the forum is there? Unless I've missed something (if there's a retarded thread topic that's obvious a troll I'm not going to click it). In which case, I don't see how locking the Off-Topic forum will benefit the rest of the forum?

As for contributing to the audio-engineering part, it's partly to do with the content. 80-90% of the stuff in the RMM section is Slate/POD/Boring, but I will click on and listen to every thread I see that has real drums in it, or at least somewhat interesting equipment. The guys playing with Slate and POD are better gonna learn by trial and error and just by repeatedly mixing and remixing until it sounds better, rather than 'less 3k on the kick' when the entire mix is shit.
There's not a massive spill-over from the Off-Topic forum to the rest of the forum is there? Unless I've missed something (if there's a retarded thread topic that's obvious a troll I'm not going to click it). In which case, I don't see how locking the Off-Topic forum will benefit the rest of the forum?

As for contributing to the audio-engineering part, it's partly to do with the content. 80-90% of the stuff in the RMM section is Slate/POD/Boring, but I will click on and listen to every thread I see that has real drums in it, or at least somewhat interesting equipment. The guys playing with Slate and POD are better gonna learn by trial and error and just by repeatedly mixing and remixing until it sounds better, rather than 'less 3k on the kick' when the entire mix is shit.

It seems that most days there is a full page worth of new threads in the Off-Topic section, and maybe a half-dozen active threads between the Production and Equipment sections.

I'm not necessarily against having an OT board at all, more concerned that Engineering, whether its bedroom level or international superstar level, has taken a definite back-seat to the lulz. Thing is, with the OT section being what it is, what purpose does the "main" page serve? is there even a possibility that we might be better off ditching the separate OT board and just rolling some of the "general" stuff into the main page? (with a bit tighter moderation of course)

all of these ideas are in response to the calls for strict and tyrannical moderation to basically 'save the sneap forum'. Which i don't think is really the way to go.
One could argue that all the OT nonsense is kept separate in its own little area, thus making it a non-issue.
I'd suggest that with the momentum the OT board has gained, the tone of the whole Sneap forum is being lowered to some extent, which makes it easier for trolls and other assorted retards to make the transition from less cultured boards, to our beloved Sneap forum that has stood for so long on an internal culture of respect and self-moderation.

or maybe I'm just nuts, that's certainly a possibility.
There's not a massive spill-over from the Off-Topic forum to the rest of the forum is there? Unless I've missed something (if there's a retarded thread topic that's obvious a troll I'm not going to click it). In which case, I don't see how locking the Off-Topic forum will benefit the rest of the forum?

+1, at least the OTT is contained, and I too enjoy reaping it's lulz, and the only possible connection to decreased activity in the rest of the forum I can think of is that people can't resist humor, in which case banning it seems rather Scrooge-like :D
It seems that most days there is a full page worth of new threads in the Off-Topic section, and maybe a half-dozen active threads between the Production and Equipment sections.

I'm not necessarily against having an OT board at all, more concerned that Engineering, whether its bedroom level or international superstar level, has taken a definite back-seat to the lulz. Thing is, with the OT section being what it is, what purpose does the "main" page serve? is there even a possibility that we might be better off ditching the separate OT board and just rolling some of the "general" stuff into the main page? (with a bit tighter moderation of course)

all of these ideas are in response to the calls for strict and tyrannical moderation to basically 'save the sneap forum'. Which i don't think is really the way to go.
One could argue that all the OT nonsense is kept separate in its own little area, thus making it a non-issue.
I'd suggest that with the momentum the OT board has gained, the tone of the whole Sneap forum is being lowered to some extent, which makes it easier for trolls and other assorted retards to make the transition from less cultured boards, to our beloved Sneap forum that has stood for so long on an internal culture of respect and self-moderation.

or maybe I'm just nuts, that's certainly a possibility.

Could make the Off-Topic Tavern a private section, if that's possible. Only people with 100+ posts in the regular Sneap forum/subsections, or those moderated by Lasse (might get cumbersome) are allowed in.
And I honestly don't really see what would be so bad about Lasse just immediately responding to any thread with a retarded question by saying "please search, this has been covered ad nauseum", LOCKDOWN
Could make the Off-Topic Tavern a private section, if that's possible. Only people with 100+ posts in the regular Sneap forum/subsections, or those moderated by Lasse (might get cumbersome) are allowed in.

not a bad idea at all.

And I honestly don't really see what would be so bad about Lasse just immediately responding to any thread with a retarded question by saying "please search, this has been covered ad nauseum", LOCKDOWN

Lasse can't be online all hours of the day and night vetting threads though.
As much of a great job as he does already, there's only so much that can be expected of him.

Anyway, just to clear it up, i'm not on an Anti-OT crusade,
just suggesting what I thought could be a very interesting and revealing experiment.
The main problem is the forum has expanded a massive amount, and a lot of that expansion has been very recent, and the way the forum works on a fundamental level (moderation, sub-forums, etc) hasn't grown to accomodate all that. There NEEDS to be seperate forums for real amps, mics, drums, etc and a forum for... Well, we can say "Basic" stuff all we want, but what we mean is a POD Warrior forum, so let's just be frank.

The main argument against it is segregation, but I think a large amount of us already DO feel segregated. RMM is 90% pod/slate, as has been repeatedly stated, and that makes those of us that are more jaded not even want to set a proverbial foot in there. Yeah, being pro-active and posting in threads that interest us, real drums, real amps, outboard, whatever the fuck you happen to take an interest in, may help, but with RMM in its CURRENT state, that sort of stuff is in the minority. Or perhaps it isn't? Maybe there's a lot of it but our perception is warped because of the amount of pod stuff going down? Maybe if there were two or three forums for different levels or types of engineering the sub-forum for the real amps and mics and drums, etc etc etc would come out on top in terms of activity?

Perhaps a more democratic procedure is needed? Maybe a big, all-inclusive vote as to whether new sub-forums and new mods are needed or not? Let the users decide?
Perhaps a 100+ post cut-off would be a good idea though. Not to say there aren't valuable sub-100 post users here, but in that range, there is a trend for users to either be trolls, or valuable posters and future accepted and respected regulars in the making, and once you reach the 100+ posts mark, you can safely say they probably aren't a troll, because the trolls tend to simply fuck off after their first few posts.

Personally, I'm tired of being one of the forum trolls. There was a time when I DID have some valuable stuff that was worth sharing that wasn't related to hating on pod warriors and sturgis clones, that wasn't related to the lulz and camraderie of the off topic tavern, just plain old engineering goodness. Soon, I will be getting back into the recording game, but my motivation to contribute here is low, purely because of the worry that as soon as I post a topic with details on drum micing, or a mix with a real amp, it'll disappear to the nether-regions of that particular sub-forum, crushed under the weight of a hundred Pod/Slate/Impulse topics.

Open your eyes, the community is ALREADY segregated to some extent, there are at least two vastly differing parties here with different things to offer, the forum isn't the same forum it once was, it CAN be a good forum again, it just needs more work done to the fundamental structuring and operation of the forum.

I'm seriously thinking some sort of vote would be a good idea though, we can debate it all we like, and we do, but it never gets anywhere, a vote would really lay bare the divide between opinions.
Still 100% against more segregation and subforums, why is it so hard to just make a quick visual scan of the thread titles (and who posted them) and just middle-click on the ones that look interesting? (so they open in new tabs, and you can then in turn scan the threads themselves; this has always been my forum-browsing strategy anyway). And if you see your thread disappear, bump it, simple - segregation would mean establishing criteria on what's considered "real", and those with great mixes made all with ampsims and impulses (eg Erik) wouldn't get the attention they deserve because the jaded ones would never open the "fake" RMM subforum
I think it's dangerous to segregate between amp sims, sequenced drums etc. and 'real' records. The operative reason being that the lines are blurring more between the two every day. Who's to say what's real? Many people find POD tone perfectly passable, and even more do records with sequenced drums.

If anything, you can separate the RMM into a section for the bedroom warriors who are just putting out songs, and the guys who are making actual, physical, fully done-up records with their bands/clients etc. This essentially has the same effect, but without being as discriminatory.
Has anyone maybe thought that we have really exhausted the "technique" portion of things?

I mean seriously if you think about it Audio recording on DAW's has been around what 20 or so years now and the only real advancement in the industry is the equipment. Sure there is the occasional thread about some "new technique" "new plugin" or the guy that got killer sounding kicks out of the fredman technique on vocals (thats a joke guys). But really how much more is there to discuss that hasn't already been discussed?

How many times can we talk about "That Clayman Sound", 5150 vs Mesa. I really think the lack of interest is really that all the info is out there if you look. It sucks for those of you that were "late to the party". I have been here 5 years and seen all the cool threads like Karzogs Pod Settings, Andy posting stuff he did with the POD, and the days when Andy actually had time to get on the forum and interact with us. Those days are long gone, and we look to guys like Lasse, Murph, Brett to be the guys that know their shit.

Problem is they are jaded. They have been here forever and have to deal with the BS and having targets on their back for being the BMOC (Big men on campus).

Skinny as far as taking things back, I really think the way to do that is just help the noobs. Even if its really something / someone you dont like. Just step up be genuine and say, "hey its not my thing, but if you added some this and that bla bla bla" things around this place would get a shit ton better and the trolls would start to diminish. Part of all the trolling around here is that most of us regulars troll one another regularly out of fun, and I think we all got stuck in that mentality.
It shouldn't really matter if something is done using a Pod, or a 5150, or a Krank, or whatever....

What matters is the actual production work, and the actual music. Surely that's what is important?? But no... we (and I do include myself in this) get jizzy at technology, whether that is amps or software... and it affects our perception of the music.

Y'know that adage 'if it sounds good, it is good' ... it's really true.

I remember ages ago, I posted a track in the RMM section, and Glenn responded with compliments to my drums, and asked about the recording chain and such. I told him... oh... it's Superior. I seemed to have killed the thread dead when I said that! :lol:

Not a dig at anyone in particular, but I found it interesting. Sort of wished I'd pretended it was a real kit, wonder if it would've gone down differently.

I love this forum. There are loads of cool dudes here, loads of great posts, and I don't see much that annoys me. But there is a bit of a clique that I don't feel part of. Might be a bit of a bitch/pussy thing to say... but I'm just spitting thoughts here.
Skinny as far as taking things back, I really think the way to do that is just help the noobs. Even if its really something / someone you dont like. Just step up be genuine and say, "hey its not my thing, but if you added some this and that bla bla bla" things around this place would get a shit ton better and the trolls would start to diminish. Part of all the trolling around here is that most of us regulars troll one another regularly out of fun, and I think we all got stuck in that mentality.

Yeah. It's kinda like an old people's home.... we're all too busy shitting our pants and call each other old bastard to really get our asses out of the wheelchair, so to speak.
^^^ I don't think the segregation shit works. I think get in there balls in first and show the RMM sub how it's done! ermz, 2 of your AWESOME mixes are in there getting good feedback. YES you're aswesome and maybe there isn't a shit load you might gain, but you can provide people like me and others some one to look upto for the real drums/ real micing guitars/ blah blah stuff!

Just saying ;)
It shouldn't really matter if something is done using a Pod, or a 5150, or a Krank, or whatever....

What matters is the actual production work, and the actual music. Surely that's what is important?? But no... we (and I do include myself in this) get jizzy at technology, whether that is amps or software... and it affects our perception of the music.

Y'know that adage 'if it sounds good, it is good' ... it's really true.

I remember ages ago, I posted a track in the RMM section, and Glenn responded with compliments to my drums, and asked about the recording chain and such. I told him... oh... it's Superior. I seemed to have killed the thread dead when I said that! :lol:

Not a dig at anyone in particular, but I found it interesting. Sort of wished I'd pretended it was a real kit, wonder if it would've gone down differently.

I love this forum. There are loads of cool dudes here, loads of great posts, and I don't see much that annoys me. But there is a bit of a clique that I don't feel part of. Might be a bit of a bitch/pussy thing to say... but I'm just spitting thoughts here.

Excellent post dude.