band from Australia i mixed\mastered

^ bands name is I Explode Like.

The singer has an extremely chipmunk like quality going on with the vocals, which I haven't heard in any of the other stuff I've heard him sing on.

Sounds cool on my shitty shitty earbuds that I hate to death.
feels like a lot of the low mids are missing to me briand...but im possibly an idiot!
could you give a little info on how you were EQing the 5150 on this?
i really like the tone, seems a little different than some of your other tones, very smooth not much raw edge to it.
seems to be lacking that lowmid thump making it sounding a bit thin and the uppermids consequently harsh. the kick isn't cutting through enough which I think you're trying to compensate for by raising the highend. snare (although sounding prrrrrty fucking good except for some relationships in the mids) sounds a bit one sample-ish. clean vocals are cutting through at a kind of odd frequency to me, they sound almost asthmatic and choked, but perhaps Alvin wasn't the best singer in the world. (alvin like in alvin and the chipmunks lol). and to me the mix just lacks overall punch, but that's to worry about in the mastering stage, right? alot of GClip maybe? haha. the orchestral-electro part was really cool btw! and the guitar tone just tits as usual, gave me freaking goose bumps!
Well Brian didn´t record it right? he just mixed and did a good job! I agree the band sounds kinda confusing imo. to much stuff going on in the song.. hard to focus on anything.. stuff Brian records and mixes sounds killer though i think! I always dig the guitar sound but this time it´s kind of different then in his other mixes. more heavy stuff fits better to brian!
mh... didnt enjoy it.. but thats maybe because I don't like the music.

For the mix: missing some balls, dunno, sounds a bit thin, but still good overall. The drums sound too artificial
mh... didnt enjoy it.. but thats maybe because I don't like the music.

For the mix: missing some balls, dunno, sounds a bit thin, but still good overall. The drums sound too artificial

Are you for real? this mix doesn't sound thin at all to me really.
Maybe im crazy haha idk.
what monitors are you listening to this on?
Through headphones. Just referring to other music I'm used to listen to (through them). Maybe this mix just doesn't translate very well to my headphones, but still that's what I hear :)

Mh.. Spotted the problem: The jack of my headphones seem to have a loose connection... Damn, this already happened so many times... -.- Sounds way better now - at least the mix :)