my biggest tracking/editing challenge yet(August Burns Red type band)

anyone have a clue what was amp was used on Bring me the Horizon's "Suicide Season"?

Amazing guitar tone on that cd! I bought that cd just because the mix is so fucking great. Not sure about the amps though but I would guess 5150 dual mics. I think Crilliman (may have spelled wrong) on this forum was there for mixing and maybe tracking, I'm sure he knows though. He did say there is a Sneap kick or snare sample on that cd.

Also I'm going to be working out of this new studio here (if we get the percentage worked out) and they have protools hd and c24 board also a Mesa tripple rec and Mesa cab. So I'm stoked as well to mess with reamping real amps and play with the c24 board a bit! Only fucking thing is.... I was there a few days ago picking up a album I'm remixing and they have a Mac. Fuck i was soooooo lost on that thing :-(

Going to be slow going till i get used to the backward keys for shortcuts.....

Sorry for getting kinda off topic but Brian have you tracked anything with the Api yet??
Amazing guitar tone on that cd! I bought that cd just because the mix is so fucking great. Not sure about the amps though but I would guess 5150 dual mics. I think Crilliman (may have spelled wrong) on this forum was there for mixing and maybe tracking, I'm sure he knows though. He did say there is a Sneap kick or snare sample on that cd.

Also I'm going to be working out of this new studio here (if we get the percentage worked out) and they have protools hd and c24 board also a Mesa tripple rec and Mesa cab. So I'm stoked as well to mess with reamping real amps and play with the c24 board a bit! Only fucking thing is.... I was there a few days ago picking up a album I'm remixing and they have a Mac. Fuck i was soooooo lost on that thing :-(

Going to be slow going till i get used to the backward keys for shortcuts.....

Sorry for getting kinda off topic but Brian have you tracked anything with the Api yet??

dude if that BMTH CD is a 5150, i'd like to know how the hell they did it haha. Even with dual mics, ive never heard a 5150 that sounded like that.

That mac thing is a bummer dude. If i couldnt get twice the computer for the money by building my own Windows based PC, i'd consider getting a Mac....but until the day comes where apple doesnt control the hardware prices of their computers, i refuse to buy one.

My API comes in tomorrow, so i havent gotten a chance to track with it yet. I'll be getting a reamp box this week as well, so for the upcoming victory records release i'm doing this month, i'll be experimenting with some reamping if i have time.

and i would probably be so lost working with a c24 board(or with any board for that matter). I dont understand what the use for one is if you can do everything ITB.
I still have a lot to learn
Brian what kicks do you find yourself leaning towards using from the Slate batch? I haven't really found the perfect one for my stuff yet but yours always sounds awesome so maybe I am doing something wrong haha.

I only use kick 10 of the slate samples(alternating between z1 and z3)
every other slate kick i've tried sounds like garbage imo(at least for metal/rock)
Brian i think my original 5150 re-amps were alot better try those i got a fucking monster tone out of that, i am starting to not like mesas
Try kick 15 too, or maybe try blending kick 15 with another one like kick 10 - metallica (only for top end) - or chilli kick
I`v heard good clips with kick 5 but there is a lot of sub bass to take care for .
I'd agree with blending them. That or turning up Ryan's re-amp a bit and make it more overpowering.

This vocalist's screeches are insane too btw!
I'm going to say I like the sheen on Ryan's reamps more, but the low mids of the pod tone more... why not blend them?

agreed tenfold. +1 on blending. ryans have those delicious shrill high-mids that give it a really unique character, and the original tones are just the opposite...the beef and body, i think some cuts/blending of the two would be godly. i need to buy slate :erk: and thanks a gazillion for shedding the light on the 2bus. lots of people have been using x-hum it seems, i'll hafta try that... and any info on what's going on with the vox?
agreed tenfold. +1 on blending. ryans have those delicious shrill high-mids that give it a really unique character, and the original tones are just the opposite...the beef and body, i think some cuts/blending of the two would be godly. i need to buy slate :erk: and thanks a gazillion for shedding the light on the 2bus. lots of people have been using x-hum it seems, i'll hafta try that... and any info on what's going on with the vox?

vocals are this
C1 Compressor(-35 thresh, 30 makeup, 20:1 ratio, .1 attack, 25 or 30 release)
Waves de esser(set at split, 7200hz, -25 thresh)
EQ(for high pass and a tiny boost to brighten the vocals a little

i know i de essed AFTER the compressor, but that has always worked way better for me. it allows me to fine tune the amount of "esses" it takes out without turning it into a lisp. De essing before compression always seems to take out to much "ess" during louder parts, and not enough "ess" on quieter parts.