my biggest tracking/editing challenge yet(August Burns Red type band)

a lot haha...
kick has alot of mids and 200hz taken out. boosts at 3k and 9k, and a little cut at 5k. high passed at 65 hz
snare has a good bit of eq to take the "ping" out of the sample. Also a little to boost the body of the snare. There is also a fair amount of compression on the snare on toms(seperate compressor on the snare than on the toms). Toms have some low end taken out and a little high shelf.
Snare and toms all have noise gates on them.

The master buss is this

Izotope Ozone 3

in izotope i have loudness max on -3.5 thresh, character on 0.0.
mastering reverb set at plate with 6.1 wet.
paragraphic equalizer set to boost slightly between 1k and 6k.

multiband harmonic exciter is set like this:

band 2 set between 925hz-2.22kh. Amount 3.2, mix 100

band 3 set between 2.22khz-8.75khz. Amount 4.3, mix 55

band 4 set between 8.75khz-20khz Amount 3.0, mix 100

that's about it

I tip my hat off, mr brian
haha =]
I agree, awesome mix Brian! Turn those OH's to breathe more and it will be much BIGGER sounding for sure!

The mix would be much bigger if you turned the OH's up, maybe adding some mids to the room aswell.

I probably should. It's just that the china is sooo freakin loud(even with a limiter on the OH).

I guess i'll just have to suck it up and go in and automate the volume down a couple db at all the spots with the china(and he uses it a lot in the 5 songs they did)
Sounds pretty freaking nice and in your face. I like how you either edited the guitars or have a gate set to make them really clean on stops.

+1 on the overheads, they're the one thing that bothered me. I like to hear cymbals. They sound like they might be a little thin, where did you hipass? Don't a lot of people mic the china or sample dub it? And here it's going to be a pain in your ass to tame it.

What did you do with the vocals? They cut through nice with out being over loud. Sound like they've got some dirt on them.
Sounds great hoodster, everything is right in terms of instrument balance. What are you automating in this song?

i automated just about everything in this song. Bass on some parts, drums all over the place(fast snare rolls, blast beats, fast double bass runs), vocals, and guitar during the leads.
I also automated delay, reverb, and some eq stuff throughout the 5 songs
this is ultra tight, i'm really liking it!

as for the guitar sound, i can't quite put my finger on it.. just it doesn't sound as natural as your other stuff, i think!

the song is well good, listened to it a few times now!

it's sounding good, as usual!

Overall pretty good mix. I love the vocal sound. The guitars aren't really doing it for me; too middy. The drums are alittle too plasticy for me, but that's more of a taste issue than anything else. I can't judge the bass too much at work. I would maybe bring the guitars down alittle though, or maybe bring the vocals up.

I do hear tinges of Joey sturgis-esque sound, which should be taken as a complement.
dude, sounds great. Only thing, I'm also finding the guitars a little too mid-rangey. I like the balls around 300hz but it might be a little much. Try a small boost at 1.5k or 4k too. Other than that, I like it. Its super clean but still has that 'feel' to it, great job!
can you please tell us more about guitar presets and processing please?they sound amzing.thank you
I like the Pod a lot more, so much more in yo face! :heh:

Maybe I'm kinda Bias, but the pod is way crisper and cuts and the mesa/5150 is kinda muddy sits back in the mix to much for my taste. Kinda cool to hear the difference though.
I like the Pod a lot more, so much more in yo face! :heh:

Maybe I'm kinda Bias, but the pod is way crisper and cuts and the mesa/5150 is kinda muddy sits back in the mix to much for my taste. Kinda cool to hear the difference though.

my thoughts too, but i think im getting too use to the pod. I really need to start experimenting with real amps more to see what tones i can come up with. I just got an API A2D, so i have two nice pre's to mic up amps with:)

I've definitely heard some 5150 tones i like though

anyone have a clue what was amp was used on Bring me the Horizon's "Suicide Season"?
Brian what kicks do you find yourself leaning towards using from the Slate batch? I haven't really found the perfect one for my stuff yet but yours always sounds awesome so maybe I am doing something wrong haha.