Band Recommendations...

assuming youre not close minded, and although unfamiliar...are willing to try some new things, then i think i can help you. you won me over with the anti-dimmu, pro-morbid angel thing as well, are a few bands you probably wont hear name dropped over and over in this thread, which is bound to happen to many band names....

Death Metal:

Autumn Leaves (phenominal, but semi melodic death metal, late 90s)

Solstice (death in the florida vein, great riffs, good vocals, classic sound)

Demigod (fantastic watershed album. pretty innovative for its time)

Black Metal:

Silencer (a bit of an aquired taste, similar to bethlehem, very emotive)

Fleurety (fairly advant garde, about as creative as bm got back then)

Keep of kalessin (start out with the reclaim EP, one of my all time favs)


Celestiial (dark, brutal, melodic and tons of funeral atmosphere)

Worship (highly cult band, and for a good reason. phenominal)

Dolorian (the epitome of surreal dark atmosphere, a must hear)


Angel Witch (assuming you havent heard em, great nwobhm)

Hypnosia (a 3 piece thrash band from australia, but quite good)

Manilla Road (fun and classic. the vocalist may take a few tries, but hes great)
Just checked out "Sol Niger Within", the Fredrik side project. This is a seriously good record (in my genuflecting opinion) - not sure it's better than Meshuggah overall but it could be a grower. Mad as fuck and could take some digesting. Absolutely essential for Meshuggah fans though.

Liking a lot of the recommendations though - keep 'em coming (if you feel like it).
yeesh, and here i was thinking we were supposed to be recommending good bands. wintersun???

ok well, i recommend you check out rhapsody. and therion. and children of bodom, and sonata arctica and six feet under. those are all really good bands that of COURSE wouldnt discourage you from wanting to find anymore new metal bands after a long hiatus. :rolleyes:
Powers said:
They're scandanavian as fuck. I bloody love them.

And I'd no idea you liked Rhapsody! Seems far too ridiculous for your tastes.

Good lad Ninefeet.

it is too ridiculous for my taste. apparently the buckets of sarcasm i drenched all those recommendations in doesnt seem to make a difference to most of you infants.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yeesh, and here i was thinking we were supposed to be recommending good bands. wintersun???

ok well, i recommend you check out rhapsody. and therion. and children of bodom, and sonata arctica and six feet under. those are all really good bands that of COURSE wouldnt discourage you from wanting to find anymore new metal bands after a long hiatus. :rolleyes:

Are you seriously fucking retarded or is your head just so far up your own ass your view of reality is completely covered in shit? Please grow up and get the fuck over yourself.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yeesh, and here i was thinking we were supposed to be recommending good bands. wintersun???

ok well, i recommend you check out rhapsody. and therion. and children of bodom, and sonata arctica and six feet under. those are all really good bands that of COURSE wouldnt discourage you from wanting to find anymore new metal bands after a long hiatus. :rolleyes:

Just out of interest NFU, What specifically do you not like about Children of Bodom and Wintersun????
Benighted1 said:
Just out of interest NFU, What specifically do you not like about Children of Bodom and Wintersun????

there seems to be rumors going around that im a troll. and slander tons of bands without any remorse or even reason behind it. that i express my opinion as fact, and anyone who doesnt agree with it, is an idiot and probably suffers from poor taste....i just want to set the record straight...

all that is completely true. except for the slandering without reason...i only slander bands who are terrible. if you disagree, then sign up for paypal. ill send you a some taste.
nine feet i registered just to say that was the cleanest reply to anything that has ever had the pleasure of hitting a keyboard. thank you for giving me a good laugh at how brilliant that was.
NineFeetUnderground said:
there seems to be rumors going around that im a troll. and slander tons of bands without any remorse or even reason behind it. that i express my opinion as fact, and anyone who doesnt agree with it, is an idiot and probably suffers from poor taste....i just want to set the record straight...

all that is completely true. except for the slandering without reason...i only slander bands who are terrible. if you disagree, then sign up for paypal. ill send you a some taste.

Stop avoiding the question:p